Fig. 1. Structure of the task and individual trials.
a Trial structure. Each trial started with a fixation cross (inter-trial interval; ITI) followed by one of the three cues (abstract fractals). Participants were asked to indicate the expected probability of receiving a shock on this trial by moving the red slider between 0% and 100% in increments of 1%. The final answer was submitted by pressing the downward arrow, after which the slider turned green to confirm the submission. After an inter-stimulus interval (ISI), a painful electrical stimulus (intensity: 8/10) was either delivered or omitted and the slider changed color to blue to indicate that the outcome had occurred. b Experimental design, example of one of the three sessions. The task was a continuous stream of trials. On each trial, one of the three cues was presented. While the shock contingency of the stable cues remained unchanged throughout the task (pink and light blue), the reversal cue changed every on average 15.4 trials between a low (dark blue) and a high (red) shock probability (i.e., phase). c In Experiment III participants completed the three sessions in a randomized order, in Studies I and II, only the 75/25 session was completed. d The three cues (stable-low, stable-high and reversal) were presented in a pseudo-randomized order. The reversal cue was presented on a larger proportion of trials than the stable cues. For details see Methods. Finger icons created by Rahul Kaklotar – Flaticon.