Figure 1. Trends in Estimated Prevalence of Healthy Lifestyle Factors Among US Adults 20 Years or Older, 1999 to March 2020.
Crude trends in prevalence of healthy lifestyle factors (A) and changes in estimated prevalence of specific numbers of healthy lifestyle factors (B) are shown. Healthy lifestyle factors included never smoking, moderate or lighter alcohol consumption (≤14 drinks/wk for men or ≤7 drinks/wk for women), healthy diet (a Healthy Eating Index–2015 score ≥60.0), sufficient physical activity (≥150 min/wk moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity), and healthy weight (body mass index [calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared] 18.5-24.9). Data were adjusted for National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey survey weights. Error bars indicate 95% CIs. In some cases, the 95% CIs may cross over 0 even if the P value for trend is significant because the 95% CIs are based on data from the 1999-2000 cycle and the combined cycle from 2017 to March 2020, and the P value is based on data across 10 cycles.