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. 2023 Jul 14;330(6):561–563. doi: 10.1001/jama.2023.12945

Table. Any Oral Antiviral or Monoclonal Antibody Use for COVID-19 by Nursing Home Characteristics, May 31, 2021-December 25, 2022a.

Oral antiviral or monoclonal antibody use Adjusted difference (95% CI)
None Any
No. 5696 8182 NA
Facility characteristics
Bed size, mean (SD) 106.6 (59.9) 115.2 (67.9) 5.68 (4.18 to 7.18)
Overall 5-star quality score, mean (SD) 2.9 (1.4) 3.3 (1.4) 2.68 (1.66 to 3.70)
Profit status, No. (row %)b
Nonprofit 920 (28.9) 2266 (71.1) [Reference]
Government owned 284 (36.1) 502 (63.9) 1.11 (−2.92 to 5.14)
For profit 4485 (45.3) 5412 (54.7) −2.42 (−4.71 to −0.14)
Part of a chain, No. (row %)b
No 2053 (37.7) 3396 (62.3) [Reference]
Yes 3305 (43.1) 4360 (56.9) −0.69 (−2.54 to 1.15)
Direct care hours per resident-day, mean (SD) 3.6 (1.0) 3.8 (0.9) 1.68 (0.55 to 2.80)
No. of affiliated physicians per 100 beds, mean (SD)c 2.7 (3.8) 2.9 (3.4) −0.96 (−2.14 to 0.23)
Any affiliated geriatrician, No. (row %)b,d
No 3932 (41.1) 5627 (58.9) [Reference]
Yes 916 (33.7) 1805 (66.3) 4.81 (2.50 to 7.11)
Staff COVID-19 vaccination rate, mean (SD) 79.1 (13.6) 82.6 (12.1) 3.95 (2.59 to 5.32)
Resident characteristics
Percentage of residents who did not report race and ethnicity as White, mean (SD)e 25.4 (23.3) 17.1 (20.6) −1.55 (−2.95 to −0.15)
Percentage of residents with Medicaid, mean (SD) 63.7 (23.3) 57.6 (22.7) −1.89 (−3.03 to −0.76)
Resident acuity, mean (SD)f 12.2 (1.9) 12.2 (1.4) 1.37 (0.33 to 2.40)
Resident age, mean (SD) 76.2 (8.2) 80.0 (6.2) 6.32 (5.18 to 7.46)
Resident COVID-19 vaccination rate, mean (SD) 85.4 (10.1) 89.4 (7.7) 3.92 (2.63 to 5.22)

Abbreviation: NA, not applicable.


Sample restricted to 13 878 nursing homes with at least 1 resident COVID-19 case reported May 31, 2021, to December 25, 2022, in counties with more than 1 nursing home. Cell counts for categorical variables may not sum to column totals owing to missing information. Counts of missing observations are as follows: overall 5-star quality score, 123 (0.89%); profit status, 9 (0.1%); part of a chain, 764 (5.5%); direct care hours per resident-day, 346 (2.5%); number of affiliated physicians per 100 beds and any affiliated geriatrician, 1598 (11.5%); staff vaccination rate, 1 (0.01%); percentage of residents with non-White race and ethnicity, 1248 (9.0%); percentage of residents with Medicaid and resident acuity, 766 (5.5%); and resident age, 847 (6.1%). Adjusted differences in percentage points obtained from a multivariable linear regression estimating the probability of any oral antiviral or monoclonal antibody use as a function of all the characteristics contained in the table. Models also include county fixed effects. Positive estimates indicate increases in the likelihood of any treatment use; negative estimates indicate decreases in the likelihood of any use. Estimates for categorical characteristics are in comparison to the denoted reference group; estimates for continuous characteristics are per 1-SD change. SDs for continuous variables are as follows: bed size = 64.8; overall 5-star quality score = 1.4; direct care hours per resident-day = 0.9; affiliated physicians per bed = 3.6; staff COVID-19 vaccination rate = 12.8; percentage of residents with non-White race and ethnicity = 22.1; percentage of residents with Medicaid = 23.1; resident acuity = 1.6; resident age = 7.3; and resident COVID-19 vaccination rate = 9.0.


Categorical measure.


Facility affiliations are determined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) using fee-for-service claims and are defined as a physician’s treating 3 unique patients and providing services on 3 unique dates at a facility during a 6-month period.


Geriatricians were identified as an affiliated physician with geriatric medicine listed as a specialty in the CMS Physician Compare database.


Race and ethnicity are self-reported in the Minimum Data Set by nursing home residents and reported in the LTCFocus data at the facility level. The non-White race and ethnicity categorization was used to minimize missing data owing to CMS censoring rules.


The acuity index indicates the level of care (eg, in activities of daily living and in specialized medical treatments) that is needed by residents of the facility. The index ranges from 0 to 24, with higher values indicating a greater need for care.