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[Preprint]. 2023 Jul 3:2023.07.03.547547. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.07.03.547547

Extended Data Fig. 7 |. Subchronic treatment with a ketone ester elicits changes aged mouse brain insolublome.

Extended Data Fig. 7 |

a-c, Dotplots from clusterProfiler KEGG pathway overrepresentation analysis on significantly (a) upregulated proteins from Fraction 1, (b) downregulated proteins from Fraction 2, and (c) downregulated proteins from Fraction 3. d-h, Dotplots from clusterProfiler gene ontology overrepresentation analysis biological process terms from (d) downregulated proteins in Fraction 2, (e) upregulated proteins in Fraction 2, (f) downregulated proteins in Fraction 3, (g) upregulated proteins in Fraction 3, and (h) downregulated proteins in Fraction 4.