A, B
qRT‐PCR quantifying the PSI values of RBM3 PE relative to RBM3 mRNA in WT i‐neurons at 37°C (A) or 32°C (72 h) (B), when NMD is blocked by SMG1 inhibitor. Statistical analysis is performed between the specific and non‐targeting sgRNA groups.
PSI values of RBM3 Exon 3a‐L in control and HNRNPH1‐knocked down K562 and HepG2 cells. RNA‐Seq data from ENCODE Project, 2 isogenic replicates are included.
D, E
RT‐PCR of endogenous RBM3 (D) and expressed RBM3 minigene (E) in control (scramble siRNA) or HNRNPH1‐knocked down HeLa cells at 37 or 32°C (48 h), in the presence or absence of SMG1 inhibitor. The ratio of PSI values between HNRNPH1 KD and control is shown for only the SMG1 i‐treated conditions.
F, G
RT‐PCR of endogenous RBM3 (F) and expressed RBM3 minigene (G) in SMG1 inhibitor‐treated control (untransfected) or FLAG‐HNRNPH1‐overexpressing (OX) HEK293T cells at 37°C. PSI values of RBM3 PE are shown in the graphs on the right respectively.
WT i‐neurons are transduced with lentiviral constructs expressing BFP (Control) or HNRNPH1‐T2A‐BFP (HNRNPH1 overexpression, OX) at 37 and 32°C, followed by RT‐PCR of endogenous RBM3 with 24 h SMG1 inhibitor treatment. PSI values of RBM3 PE are shown in the graph on the right.
GFP‐RBM3 intensity histogram and control (37°C)‐normalised median GFP intensity indicating GFP intensity of control and HNRNPH1‐overexpressing (OX) GFP‐RBM3 i‐neurons measured by flow cytometry. Only cells with top 5% BFP levels among all BFP‐positive cells in the well are included.
Data information: N = 3 biological replicates. Each data point represents one well of culture in (A) and (I). Mean ± SEM; n.s. (not significant), *(P < 0.05), **(P < 0.01), ***(P < 0.001); one‐way ANOVA with multiple comparisons in (A), (B); FDR calculated by rMATS program in (C), paired t‐tests in (D–G), unpaired t‐tests in (H), (I).
Source data are available online for this figure.