RyCal administration reduces cerebellar oscillatory activity and action tremor in RyR1-S2844D+/+ mice. a A representative time–frequency plot showing cerebellar oscillatory activity in local field potential (LFP) recording following intraperitoneal injection of RyCal, an RyR1 complex stabilizing agent, and b a corresponding spectral diagram demonstrating cerebellar oscillatory activity before and after RyCal administration in RyR1-S2844D+/+ mice, c Quantification of cerebellar LFP shows significantly suppressed cerebellar oscillatory activity in RyR1-S2844D+/+ mice following RyCal treatment. d A representative time–frequency plot showing tremor following intraperitoneal injection of RyCal in a RyR1-S2844D+/+ mouse, and e a corresponding spectral diagram demonstrating tremor before and after RyCal administration. f Tremor quantification shows significantly suppressed tremor in RyR1-S2844D+/+ mice following RyCal treatment. (n = 3 mice at 6–12 months old for each measurement, two independent runs for each mouse); *p < 0.05 by Two-tailed paired t test