Fig. 4.
M2 type TAMs are associated to EMT and expression of T-cells associated immune checkpoints
(A) Histograms representing the relative expression of TAM associated markers. Data are expressed as fold change between the average expression in the S-AOIs as compared to the average expression in the E-AOIs. (B) Correlation matrix showing expression correlations between EMT- markers and TAM-associated genes. Asterisks mark significantly associated correlations. The color intensity and the size of the circles are proportional to the correlation coefficients. (C-D) Box plots representing the expression level of pan-macrophages markers (C) and M2 selective markers (D) in the four types of AOIs during E to S transition. (E) Correlation distribution across all AOIs between EMT drivers (TGF1B1, SNAI2) and the epithelial marker CDH1 with both pan-macrophages and M2 selective markers. For each gene comparison, the correlation plot is represented on the right and the correlation coefficient with relative p-value is reported on the left. Axes values refer to normalized counts. (F) Scatter plots showing the direct correlation of pan-macrophages and M2 selective markers with HAVCR2 expression across all AOIs. G) Area chart summarizing the relative expression of EMT-associated genes, TAM markers and immune checkpoints in tE-, tS- and pS- AOIs as compared to pE-AOIs