Table 1.
A summary of the studies mentioned within this review that comment on the origin of the b-wave.
Animal model | Preparation | Technique | References |
Albino rabbits | Opened and closed-eye | Microelectrode with indifferent electrode behind the eye. | Faber (1969) |
Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) | Eyecup | Microelectrode | Miller and Dowling (1970) |
Rabbit | Eyecup | Double-barrelled K+- selective microelectrodes | Dick and Miller (1985) |
Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) | Eyecup | Double-barrelled K+-selective microelectrodes | Dick and Miller (1978) |
Toad (Bufo marinus) | Isolated retina | Double-barrelled K+- selective microelectrodes | Oakley (1975) |
Toad (Bufo marinus) | Isolated retina | Double-barrelled K+- selective microelectrodes | Wen and Oakley (1990) |
Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) | Eyecup and the isolated retina | Semi-micropipette (One filled with normal Ringer’s and the other with a high K+Ringer’s) | Fujimoto and Tomita (1981) |
Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) | Eyecup | Double-barreled micropipettes and micropipettes filled with 3 M potassium acetate with a indifferent electrode behind the eye. | Karowski and Proenza (1977) |
Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) | Eyecup and the isolated retina | Semi-micropipette (One filled with normal Ringer’s and the other with a high K+ Ringer’s) | Yanagida and Tomita (1982) |
Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) and Tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinium) | Eyecup | Potassium ion-selective microelectrodes | Stockton and Slaughter (1989) |
Skate (Raja erinacea or R. oscellata) | Small pieces of eyecup | Double-barrel micropipette fashioned from theta tubing. | Kline et al. (1978) |
Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) and Frog (Rana pipiens and R. p. berlandieri) | Eyecup and retinal slice | Double-barrelled K+ selective microelectrodes | Karwoski et al. (1985) |
Frog (Rana pipiens) | Eyecup | Ringer-filled micropipettes | Newman (1980) |
Frog (Rana pipiens) | Eyecup | Double-barreled pipette made from theta tubing. | Xu and Karwoski (1994) |
Rabbits (New Zealand White) | Eyecup | Double-barreled pipette made from theta tubing. | Karwoski and Xu (1999) |
Tiger Salamandars (Ambystoma tigrinum, aquatic stage), Guinea pigs, dutch belted rabbits, pigmented mice (C57BL), cats, and one owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus). | Dissociated cells | Recording (suction) electrodes were filled with 156 mM KCL and 125 mM KCL for mammals and salamanders, respectively. | Newman (1987) |
Tiger Salamandars (Ambystoma tigrinum) | Eyecup | Ringer’s filled glass electrode. | Gurevich and Slaughter (1993) |
Tiger Salamandars (Ambystoma tigrinum) | Eyecup | Low resistance electrode. | Tian and Slaughter (1995) |
Cat | Intact cat eye (in vivo) | Intraretinal recording was done via double-barrelled K+ selective microelectrodes and vitreal ERG was recorded via chlorided silver wire in the vitreous humor and a reference behind the eye. | Frishman and Steinberg (1989a,b) |
Cats and macaques | In vivo | In cats, the ERG is recorded between an intravitreal silver wire electrode and another behind the eye. In macaques, the ERG is recorded differentially from DTL fibers sandwiched between the cornea and a contact lens. | Robson and Frishman (1998) |
Mice (C57BL/6J) | Isolated retina (ex vivo) | Double-barreled K+-selective microelectrodes | Dmitriev et al. (2021) |
Pigmented Dutch rabbits | In vivo | Recorded with non- polarizing Ag-AgCI amalgam electrode pellets (in the vitreous and under the lid). | Hu and Marmor (1984) |
Albino rabbits | In vivo | ERG responses were recorded simultaneously from both eyes with corneal electrodes. | Lei and Perlman (1999) |
Albino rats (Sprague–Dawley) | Isolated retina (ex vivo) | Recordings were made between an Ag–AgCl macro-electrode built in the perfusion system chamber. | Green and Kapousta-Bruneau (1999) |
Neotenous tiger salamander | Eyecup | K+-sensitive microelectrodes | Coleman et al. (1987) |
Mice | Eyecup | ERG recorded from eye cup in a perfusion system chamber. | Kofuji et al. (2000) |