(A) Percent of control, Nab2ex3, and Nab2ex3,Mettl3null/+ flies that eclose as viable adults (calculated as #observed/#expected). (B) Negative geotaxis of age-matched adult females of the indicated genotypes over time in seconds. (C) Survival of age-matched adult female flies of the indicated genotypes over time in days. (D) Percent of elav >Gal4 alone control, elav-Gal4;;Nab2ex3, elav-Gal4;UAS-Mettl3-RNAi;Nab2ex3, and elav-Gal4;UAS-Mettl3-RNAi flies that eclose as viable adults (calculated as #observed/#expected). Note that baseline Nab2ex3 viability is elevated in the background of the elav-Gal4 transgene, and significantly suppressed by inclusion of UAS-Mettl3 RNAi. (E) Negative geotaxis assay for age-matched adult females of the indicated genotypes over time in seconds. (F) Percent of control, Nab2ex3, Nab2ex3,fl(2)d2/+, or Nab2ex3,vir2F/+ flies that eclose as viable adults (calculated as #observed/#expected). (G) Negative geotaxis of age-matched adult females of the indicated genotypes over time in seconds. Significance values are indicated (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ****p<0.0001).