Institution Faculty/ Career Development Office
Provide “home office” for mentorship program infrastructure and resources
Compile department-level needs assessment data to address mid-career faculty needs at an institution level (e.g., resources for promotion planning)
Influence institutional culture around mentorship, sponsorship, and support for mid-career faculty
Clarify transparent advancement criteria
Seek input from faculty, and develop and/or provide access to trainings to address mid-career faculty knowledge gaps
Seek and broadly disseminate opportunities to faculty – e.g., formal external mentorship or sponsorship programs
Provide faculty with trainings to reduce biases and ensure equity
Connect faculty with resources to support work/life balance (e.g. employee assistance programs)
Seek input from faculty to identify issues impacting career and life satisfaction
Collaborate with departments, leadership, and faculty stakeholders to develop meaningful solutions
Mentoring Program
Conduct needs assessments to identify specific faculty needs
Develop mentoring program to meet institutional priorities and faculty-identified needs
Advocate to department/ institution leadership for mentor and mentee needs (e.g., protected time, funds)
Codify mentor/mentee expectations
Identify possible mentors and provide trainings in effective mentorship practices
Identify possible sponsors and support departments in emphasizing sponsorship activities
Assist mid-career faculty in connecting with potential mentors/sponsors
Mediate conflicts between mentors, mentees, and/or sponsors
Department Dean’s Office
Align faculty initiatives with institutional strategic plans
Advocate for policies to support mid-career faculty
Support faculty in accessing growth opportunities (e.g., faculty nominations, funding for professional society membership)
Influence culture around mentorship, sponsorship, and support for mid-career faculty (e.g., inclusion of sponsorship activities as a priority for senior faculty)
Assist mid-career faculty in identifying and connecting with potential mentors/sponsors
Invest in mid-career faculty mentoring by providing dedicated time/resources for mentorship
Solicit nominations for faculty awards/opportunities and review for diversity
Advocate for departmental/ institutional policies to support work/life balance (e.g., flexible scheduling, assistance with child and elder care responsibilities)
Connect faculty with resources to support work/life balance (e.g. employee assistance programs)
Help mentee develop, enact, and evaluate individual career plan
Connect mentee with resources and opportunities
Make introductions to sponsors
Develop mentee skills in negotiating
Mid-Career Colleagues/ Peer Mentors
Share opportunities for training, networking, collaborating
Identify training gaps within the cohort and bring to faculty development office for further development
Troubleshoot work-life challenges between peers (e.g., share tools and solutions)
Identify needs and possible solutions, advocate for change to department and institutional leadership
Identify career goals and intersections with institutional priorities
Participate in needs assessments, provide candid feedback to support continued development of faculty support initiatives
Think critically about training gaps and areas for growth to reach career goals
Seek out training and advancement opportunities
Seek mentor, sponsor, and institutional support (e.g., nominations) in obtaining opportunities
Evaluate career plans and satisfaction
Evaluate home life priorities and balance with career goals
Build an influential network