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. 2023 Apr 3;31(4):1823–1838. doi: 10.1007/s10787-023-01189-x

Table 1.

Characteristics of the patients with pSS

Characteristics Laboratory examination
Age, mean ± SD, years 50.58 ±11.30 Cutaneous vasculitis, n (%) 4 (6.7%) UWSF* ≤0.1 ml/min, n (%) 36 (60.0%)
Gender (female/male) 57/3 ILD*, n (%) 18 (30.0%) Schirmer test ≤5 mm/5min, n (%) 30 (50.0%)
Duration, M (Q25, Q75)*, years 2.50 (1.00, 5.75) RTA*, n (%) 8 (13.3%) Ocular stain (+), n (%) 37 (61.7%)
Ocular/oral symptoms, n (%) 39 (65.0%) PNS*, n (%) 2 (3.3%) High IgG, n (%) 39 (65.0%)
Fever, n (%) 3 (5.0%) Hematological system 34 (56.7%) RF* (+) , n (%) 25 (41.7%)
Lymphadenopathy, n (%) 13 (21.7%) Leucocytopenia , n (%) 16 (26.7%) Anti-SSA/Ro52 antibody (+), n (%) 47 (78.3%)
Glandular swelling, n (%) 3 (5.0%) Anaemia, n (%) 15 (25.0%) Anti-SSA/Ro60 antibody (+), n (%) 46 (76.7%)
Joint swelling/pain, n (%) 10 (16.7%) Thrombocytopenia, n (%) 7 (11.7%) Anti-SSB antibody (+), n (%) 36 (60.0%)
Biopsy focus (+), n (%) 40 (66.7%)
 ESSDAI (1–4), n (%) 17 (28.3%)
 ESSDAI (5–13), n (%) 36 (60.0%)
 ESSDAI (≥ 14), n (%) 7 (11.7%)

*ESSDAI European League Against Rheumatism Sjögren’s syndrome disease activity index, ILD interstitial lung disease, M median, pSS primary Sjogren's Syndrome, PVS peripheral nervous system, Q quartile, RF rheumatoid factor, RTA renal tubular acidosis, SD standard deviation, UWSF unstimulated whole salivary flows