Spearman Correlation Coefficients Between ZBPI Worst Pain Score AUC and Each Corresponding SF-36 Domain and EQ-5D Utility Score AUC During First 30 Days of Herpes Zoster Episode
Correlation coefficient/P/(N) | |||
Domain | ZOE-50/70 | ZOE-HSCT | |
SF-36 | PF | −0.485/<0.0001/N=499 | −0.425/<0.0001/N=152 |
RP | −0.571/<0.0001/N=499 | −0.491/<0.0001/N=151 | |
BP | −0.785/<0.0001/N=498 | −0.757/<0.0001/N=152 | |
GH | −0.372/<0.0001/N=499 | −0.319/<0.0001/N=152 | |
VT | −0.536/<0.0001/N=499 | −0.428/<0.0001/N=151 | |
SF | −0.596/<0.0001/N=498 | −0.421/<0.0001/N=152 | |
MH | −0.483/<0.0001/N=499 | −0.357/<0.0001/N=151 | |
RE | −0.510/<0.0001/N=499 | −0.374/<0.0001/N=151 | |
EQ-5D | Utility | −0.701/<0.0001/N=498 | −0.615/<0.0001/N=151 |
VAS | −0.557/<0.0001/N=498 | −0.486/<0.0001/N=151 |
ZOE-50/70=Placebo participants from the ZOE-50 (NCT01165177) and ZOE-70 (NCT01165229) studies who had an herpes zoster episode.
ZOE-HSCT=Placebo participants from the ZOE-HSCT study (NCT01610414) who had an herpes zoster episode.
N=Number of participants with a nonmissing ZBPI AUC and domain AUC during the first 30 days of the herpes zoster episode.
AUC indicates area under curve; BP, Bodily Pain; EQ-5D, EuroQoL EQ-5D; GH, General Health; HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; MH, Mental Health; PF, Physical Functioning; RE, Role Emotional; RP, Role Physical; SF, Social Functioning; SF-36, Short Form Health Survey 36; Utility, Utility Score; VAS, Visual Analog Scale; VT, Vitality; ZBPI, Zoster Brief Pain Inventory.