FIG. 1.
(A) Cytokine heatmap. High expression of tested cytokines was associated with HPV positivity. Heatmap of Z-score normalized cytokine 2−ddCt values across samples. The Z-score scale ranges from low expression (blue) to high expression (red) for each cytokine shown. Two samples, W19 and W2, had missing values for IL-1b and IL-4, respectively, and so had no Z-score values for those cytokines on the heatmap. (B) Cytokine BoxPlots. High expression of tested cytokines was associated with HPV positivity. Boxplots comparing expression levels between HPV-negative samples and HPV-positive samples for each cytokine. p-Values shown were computed using Mann–Whitney test. n = 9 for HPV-negative samples and n = 21 for HPV-positive samples. HPV, human papilloma virus; IL, interleukin.