A. Western blotting results for α/β tubulin, PKA1α, cathepsin B, and cathepsin D in LoVo (a) and Hct116 (b) control and CoCl2-treated cells. B. Histograms show the total protein expression of cathepsin B (a), cathepsin D (b), α/β tubulin (c), and PKA1α (d) in LoVo and Hct116 control and CoCl2-treated cells. C. The mRNA levels of tubulin were examined by RT-PCR in LoVo and Hct116 control and CoCl2-treated cells. (a) The mRNA levels of α tubulin. (b) The mRNA levels of β tubulin. D. IF staining of α/β tubulin of LoVo and Hct116 control and CoCl2-treated cells (200×). (a-c) LoVo control cells, (d-f) CoCl2-treated LoVo cells, (g-i) Hct116 control cells, (j-l) and CoCl2-treated Hct116 cells. E. IF staining of F-actin in LoVo and Hct116 control and CoCl2-treated cells (200×). (a-c) LoVo control cells, (d-f) CoCl2-treated LoVo cells, (g-i) Hct116 control cells, and (j-l) CoCl2-treated Hct116 cells. CTR: control cells; TRE: CoCl2-treated cells.