Table 4.
Scale 1: Affective responsiveness (α = 0.810) | Loading |
I am protective of my pet. | 0.694 |
I hug/cuddle my pet. | 0.679 |
I consider my pet's preferences when interacting with them. | 0.658 |
I kiss my pet. | 0.649 |
I console my pet when they are upset/nervous/scared. | 0.638 |
I worry about my pet when we are not together. | 0.610 |
I let my pet request play/walks from me. | 0.599 |
I leave work/stay home if my pet is sick. | 0.565 |
I consider my pet when paying bills/making a budget. | 0.545 |
I allow my pet to make decisions when on walks or playing. | 0.528 |
Scale 2: Training and Play (α = 0.780) | Loading |
I engage in training activities with my pet. | 0.773 |
I take my pet to socialize with others of their species. | 0.733 |
I walk/exercise my pet. | 0.718 |
I engage in pet related sports with my pet. | 0.686 |
I take my pet to training classes. | 0.561 |
I play games with my pet. | 0.538 |
I engage in rough and tumble play with my pet. | 0.460 |
Scale 3: General Care (α = 0.707) | Loading |
Someone else feeds my pet. a | 0.803 |
I am the person who feeds my pet. | 0.755 |
Someone else plays with my pet. a | 0.629 |
If my pet needs to go to the veterinarian, I am the person who takes them. | 0.607 |
Some else walks/exercises my pet. a | 0.584 |
I am the person who grooms my pet. | 0.404 |
Extraction method: Principal component analysis.
Rotation method: Varimax w/Kaiser (rotation converged in four iterations).
These items were reverse scored.