A, Representative time course of oxygen consumption rate (OCR) of wild‐type (WT) fiber showing applications of glutamate+malate (GM) or succinate (S), ADP, oligomycin (OLIGO), carbonyl cyanide p‐trifluoro‐methoxyphenyl hydrazone (FCCP), and rotenone (ROT) or antimycin A (AMA); non‐mito, non‐mitochondrial respiration. B, Complex I: measurements of basal OCR, ATP‐dependent OCR, ATP‐independent OCR, maximal electron‐transport (ET) capacity, and respiratory control ratio (RCR) for WT and p110α‐DN fibers under aerobic conditions (Aerobic) or after 30‐minute ischemia followed by 40‐minute reperfusion (IR30). C, Complex II: measurements of basal OCR, ATP‐dependent OCR, ATP‐independent OCR, maximal electron‐transport (ET) capacity, and respiratory control ratio (RCR) for WT and p110α‐DN fibers under aerobic conditions (Aerobic) or after 30‐minute ischemia followed by 40‐minute reperfusion (IR30). Data are presented as mean±SEM; statistical significance is calculated using 1‐way ANOVA in (B and C); *P<0.05 vs WT Aerobic (B, C), #
P<0.05 vs WT IR30, †
P<0.05 vs p110α‐DN Aerobic.