Hourly amounts of Wake (a, b), NREM sleep (d, e), REM sleep (g, h), and cataplexy (j, k) in narcoleptic male Orexin-tTA;TetO-DTA mice (n = 7) treated with the HCRTR2 agonists TAK-925 and ARN-776. Percent time in Wake (c), NREM sleep (f), REM sleep (i) and Cataplexy (l) summed across the 6-h recording after treatment with TAK-925 and ARN-776. Values are mean ± SEM. Colored * above hourly graphs indicate significance (p < 0.05) during that hour for that dose relative to vehicle treatment. * in l denotes significance for that treatment relative to vehicle across the 6-h recording as determined by the Holm-Sidak post hoc test. Abbreviations: Veh, vehicle; ZT, Zeitgeber Time.