Fig. 6. Distances between DDB2, p53, and Ki67 positive cells and the skin surface were consistent with age and sun exposure, and younger donors had higher counts of DDB2 positive cells.
a Violin plots for distances between DDB2, p53, Ki67 positive cells, and skin surface are shown for each donor and sorted by age. Most positive cells were localized within a 100–200 µm distance from the skin surface. However, regions 1, 9, and 2 had positive cells up to 1600 µm, which were localized to hair follicles. The interactive version of this plot is located at: Example of higher distribution of DDB2 positive cells within 200 µm distance of the skin surface in a younger donor. While we did not find differences in distances to the skin surface in relation to aging or sun exposure, there was a significant inverse correlation between DDB2 positive cells and age (corr = −0.78, adj. p = 0.05, Supplementary Fig. 9a), suggesting the higher capacity for DNA repair in younger donors. The example is from region 11 (from the upper arm, mild sun exposure, female, 41 years of age) and shows a higher distribution of DDB2 positive cells within 200 µm distance from the skin surface and lower distribution of cells positive for p53 and Ki67. For interactive visualization go to: Example of lower distribution of DDB2 positive cells within 200 µm distance of the skin surface in an older donor. The example shown is region 7 (from the lower forearm, marked sun exposure, male, 69 years of age) and shows the highest distribution of Ki67 positive cells within 200 µm distance from the skin surface, with lower p53 and lowest DDB2 positive cells. For interactive visualization go to: All regions are at: Companion Website for “Human Digital Twin: 3D Atlas Reconstruction of Skin and Spatial Mapping of Immune Cell Density, Vascular Distance and Effects of Sun Exposure and Aging” | ㅤ (