Fig. 6. RBM5 interactome of the brain in WT and HD.
a Experimental setup for RBM5 AP-MS from brain tissue. HD and WT mouse brain tissues were lysed in non-denaturing conditions and RBM5 together with its interacting proteins were isolated using magnetic beads conjugated with either mouse (AbM) or rabbit (AbR) anti-RBM5 antibody. Empty beads were used as background control. The interactors of RBM5 were identified using mass-spectrometry. b Number of interactors identified for RBM5 with both antibodies from WT and HD brain tissue (only the proteins identified with both antibodies were considered true interactors). c GO term enrichment analysis for biological processes for the 619 RBM5 protein interactors (WT and HD combined). d Overlap between the proteins identified in this study as RBM5 interactors (WT and HD combined) in the mouse brain and HTT interactomes from previous publications79, 80 (one-tailed Fischer’s exact test). e Comparison between the WT and HD RBM5 protein interactome separately for AbM and AbR. Top: Volcano plot comparing the RBM5-interactomes in WT and HD. Bottom: Proteins interacting with RBM5 differently in HD shown in networks (two-sided t test with multiple-testing correction). f Venn diagrams showing the overlap of RBM5 protein interactions differentially regulated in HD identified with both antibodies and network representation of the overlapping proteins.