Fig. 4. Extracellular NO triggers a PCD-like process in algae, followed by algal NO production and secretion.
A Relative gene expression of algal oxidative stress and PCD-like genes following incubation with a NO donor ([100 µM] DEANO for 18 h). Annotated gene products are depicted (Table 4). B Extracellular NO concentrations of axenic algal cultures and algal-bacterial co-cultures on day 10. C Algal growth in axenic algal cultures (light green), co-cultures (dark green) and co-cultures supplemented with a NO scavenger ([20 µM] c-PTIO added on day 9 of the co-culture, black). All data points in the figure consist of 3 biological replicates, error bars designate ±SD. Statistical significance was calculated using a two-sample t test to compare algal cell counts on day 13 in co-cultures versus algal cell counts in co-cultures treated with NO scavenger. Algal cell counts were significantly different and resulted in p < 0.05.