Treatments | PC | COP | SP0.2 | SP0.3 | PR0.5SP0.2 | PR0.5SP0.3 | PR1 | SEM | p Value |
Villus length (μm) | 896d | 943cd | 1268ab | 1446a | 1138bc | 1177bc | 976cd | 28.5 | 0.0001 |
Crypt depth (μm) | 176 | 157 | 144 | 157 | 192 | 181 | 157 | 4.78 | 0.163 |
Villus length/crypt depth (μm) | 5.55c | 6.11bc | 8.78ab | 9.20a | 6.25bc | 6.54abc | 6.13bc | 0.230 | 0.0184 |
Surface area(μm) | 781b | 833b | 1003ab | 1076a | 882ab | 936ab | 852ab | 18 | 0.0040 |
Note: Means in same row that do not have a common superscript have significant differences (p < 0.05).
PC: first positive control (with antibiotics), COP: second positive control (commercial probiotic), SP0.2: 0.2 g of Spirulina platensis powder, SP0.3: 0.3 g of Spirulina platensis powder, PR0.5SP0.2: 0.2 g of Spirulina platensis powder and 0.5 g of native probiotics, PR0.5SP0.3: 0.3 g of Spirulina platensis powder and 0.5 g of native probiotics, PR1:1 g of native probiotics.