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. 2023 Jul 20;25:40. doi: 10.1186/s12968-023-00942-z

Table 3.

Essential and recommended standards to be reported in a scientific publication containing 4D Flow MRI data

Explanation Technical studies Clinical studies Example
Hard- and software
 Contrast agent administration If contrast agent used: Which contrast agent, dose, and timing in relation to 4D Flow CMR Essential, if contrast agent used Essential, if contrast agent used gadolinium contrast agent (insert name here) was injected prior to the data acquisition
 Manufacturer Manufacturer of MRI system Essential Essential GE, Philips, Siemens, etc
 Scanner software version Version of the scanner software during the study Essential Recommended R11.2, VE11A
 Field strength Field strength in Tesla Essential Essential 1.5T
 4D Flow CMR sequence Description (clinical or research, through vendor, through academic partnership, in-house developed) Essential Essential WIP
 Coil type and channels Coil types, number of elements Essential Recommended 16 channel cardiac coil
Acquisition parameters
 Motion encoding scheme 4, 5, 7 or 8-point encoding, variable venc encoding or other multi-venc approaches, as well as flow compensation versus two-point encoding Essential Recommended [Example]
 k-space filling method Type of k-space acquisition such as cartesian, radial, spiral, pseudo-random, EPI, etc Essential Essential Cartesian k-space filling
 Acquired spatial resolution

Resolution of the acquired data before Fourier transform

(FOV/matrix size)

Essential Essential 2.5 × 2.5 × 2.5 mm3
 Reconstructed spatial resolution Spatial resolution of the reconstructed data (often interpolated during reconstruction) Essential Recommended 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 mm3
 Effective temporal resolution Typically: TR x flow encodings x # segments Essential Essential 35 ms
 Reconstructed number of timeframes Number of timeframes after reconstruction (often interpolated during reconstruction) Recommended Recommended 30
 Echo time (TE) Time between RF excitation and echo Essential Essential 2.6 ms
 Repetition time (TR) Time between to subsequent RF excitations Essential Essential 5.2 ms
 Flip angle (FA) Flip angle Essential Essential 5
 Velocity encoding limit (VENC) Maximum VENC Essential Essential 120 cm/s
 Cardiac gating Prospective triggering or retrospective cardiac gating, ECG, pulse oximeter or other devices Essential Essential retrospective vector cardiogram controlled cardiac gating
 Respiratory motion suppression If respiratory motion suppression is performed Essential Essential Navigator width (insert here) or acceptance window (insert here)
 Acceleration method and factor Acceleration approach used, such SENSE, GRAPPA, compressed SENSE, etc.) Essential Essential parallel imaging (SENSE) speed up factors = 3 (AP direction), 1.6 (RL direction)
 Typical scan time Scan time assuming a regular heart rhythm of 60 bpm and regular breathing pattern or the average and range of the scan time of all subjects Essential Essential 10:30 min
 Field of view (FOV) Important to choose correctly to eliminate wrap; impacts spatial resolution Recommended Recommended 250.1 ± 10.2 × 280.1 ± 15.2 × 70.1 ± 10.8 mm3
 Matrix size Impacts spatial resolution Recommended Recommended
 Slab orientation Orientation of the FOV Essential Essential sagittal oblique orientation
 Phase-encoding direction Direction of the phase-encoding direction (were wrap around effects can be expected) Recommended Recommended Phase-encoding direction in the inferior-superior direction
 k-space segmentation factor Number of k-space lines acquired per heartbeat Essential Recommended 2
 Analysis software Description (clinical or research, through vendor, through academic partnership, in-house developed, open-source availability) Essential Essential In-house developed, availability at Github
 Background phase offset corrections Eddy currents, concomitant gradient fields, and distortions Essential Recommended corrected for concomitant gradient field and eddy currents induced offset using a 2nd order correction
 Velocity aliasing correction (phase unwrapping) Description of velocity anti-aliasing algorithm, sharing of results if available Essential Essential correction for velocity aliasing using a 4D Laplacian phase unwrapping (ref, github)
 Segmentation method

Description of segmentation method used, if used for quantification and/or segmentation (Systolic segmentation, or time-resolved segmentation. Based on absolute velocity, magnitude weighting for each time frame and

sum of squares, temporal absolute velocity average with magnitude

weighting, piecewise pseudo complex difference, atlas-bases segmentation, AI based segmentation)

Essential, if used Essential, if used delineation of the aorta based on piecewise pseudo complex difference PC-MRA
 Analysis software Description (clinical or research, through vendor, through academic partnership, in-house developed, open-source availability) Essential Essential Clinical analysis software package (insert name here)

 Plane-wise analysis

(peak velocity, flow rate, regurgitation volume)

Description of the plane positioning method (Manual, automatic, Fixed or valve tracking) Essential Essential A 2D plane was manually located at the aortic valve at a fixed/valve tracking location over the cardiac cycle

 Volumetric analysis

(peak velocity, wall shear stress, turbulent kinetic energy, flow component analysis)

Description of the segmentation method (Manual, automatic, semi-automatic, Static or varying over the cardiac cycle) Essential Essential The heart chambers and large vessels were segmented automatically over the cardiac cycle using AI (ref)

 Gradient calculations

(wall shear stress, viscous energy loss, pressure difference)

Description of the numerical difference method (Forward-, backward-, central-difference

1st order or higher order differences, Finite element method)

Essential Recommended 2nd order central difference
 Data quality assessment Results of the data quality assessment both visual and quantitative such as conservation of mass error Essential Essential Data quality assessment showed that …
 Number of subjects included and excluded Number of subjects included and excluded, and the reason for exclusion Essential Essential Data was acquired in 52 subjects, of which 1 was excluded due to ecg gating issues and 3 due to insufficient data quality
 Illustrations Insightful illustrations and movies including annotations, color scaling and descriptions, clarifying which particle traces are used Essential Essential Streamline visualization of aortic flow (movie in supplementary material)
 Limitations Discussion of the effect of uncommon or varying acquisition settings Essential, if applicable Essential, if applicable Spatial resolution varied between the subject, but not between the subgroups. This is expected to
 Reference list References to original work Essential Essential