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. 2019 Nov 19;17(4):1474704919880701. doi: 10.1177/1474704919880701

Table 1.

Effect of each variable on the choice of a face. Foc_masc represents the choice of the most masculinized face in various pairs (M+ for pairs M+/F+, Hetero+ for pairs Hetero+/Homo+, and OB- for pairs OB-/OB+).

M+/F+ Hetero+/Homo+ OB−/OB+
Variables χ2 df p Value χ2 df p Value χ2 df p Value
Foc_masc 9.27 1 .002 13.14 1 .0003 20.89 1 <105
Interaction with
 Sex 2.98 1 .084 1.74 1 .187 0.76 1 .383
 Age 7.04 1 .008 0.05 1 .825 1.50 1 .221
 Sexual orientation 0.74 1 .388 0.71 1 .398 1.34 1 .248
 Study 1.11 1 .292 <0.01 1 .987 3.15 1 .076
 Salary 2.23 1 .135 1.42 1 .233 0.05 1 .815
 Ethnics 7.90 3 .048 5.65 3 .130 4.36 3 .226
 Couple 0.50 1 .479 0.01 1 .916 3.76 1 .384

Note. Bold-faced characters indicate significant (p < .05) values.