Fig 7. NANOS1 and PUM1 reside in distinct domains of the large ADAD2-RNF17 granule.
A. Confocal imaging of ADAD2 and RNF17 with NANOS1 showing colocalization of NANOS1 to the ADAD2-RNF17 granule as well as differential localization relative to ADAD2 and RNF17. Red–NANOS1, green–ADAD2 or RNF17. 1000x magnification. B. PUM1 immunofluorescence in adult wildtype testes demonstrating aggregate accumulation (arrowhead) late in spermatocyte development. Roman numerals–testis tubule cross-section stage. 400x magnification. Confocal imaging of C. PUM1 with ADAD2 and RNF17 (red–PUM1 and green–ADAD2 or RNF17) and D. NANOS1 and PUM1 (green–NANOS1 and red–PUM1) demonstrating distinct granule domains. 1000x magnification.