Fig. 1. Phylogenic relationship and genome features of stem lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. angustana) and Scaevola taccada.
a Phylogenic relationship between stem lettuce and Sc. taccada. Red arrows indicate their respective families, Asteraceae and Goodeniaceae. The tree was adapted from Angiosperm Phylogeny ( b Habitat, morphology, and flowers of stem lettuce and Sc. taccada. Typical habitat of Sc. taccada on a tropical beach in Sanya, Hainan Province, China (top left); Flowers of Sc. taccada (top right); Morphology of stem lettuce as a commodity in a supermarket (bottom right); Flowers of stem lettuce (bottom left). c Genome features of stem lettuce and Sc. taccada. The tracks from outer to inner circles indicate I, chromosome karyotypes; II, gene density in 1-Mb windows; III, gene expression levels (averaged FPKM in 1-Mb windows); IV, density of LTR-RTs (1-Mb windows); V, DNA transposon density (1-Mb windows); VI, GC content; VII, synteny between the two genomes.