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. 2022 Oct 31;78(8):760–766. doi: 10.1136/thorax-2022-219039

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of newly diagnosed patients with COPD categorised by baseline LRTI frequency and severity

Overall None 1 mild ≥2 mild 1 moderate ≥2 moderate ≥1 severe
Patient, n (%) 215 234 (100) 158 074 (73.4) 18 081 (8.4) 6133 (2.8) 19 787 (9.2) 6227 (2.9) 6932 (3.2)
Median study follow-up in years (Q1–Q3) 4.4 (1.9–7.8) 4.5 (2.0–7.9) 3.1 (1.5–5.7) 2.9 (1.3–5.2) 6.4 (3.3–9.3) 6.5 (3.3–9.5) 2.4 (0.9–4.8)
Mean age (SD) 66.9 (11.4) 66.6 (11.3) 67.4 (11.5) 67.8 (11.6) 66.9 (11.2) 67.2 (11.4) 71.5 (12.0)
Male 114 738 (53.3) 86 166 (54.5) 8998 (49.8) 2921 (47.6) 9991 (50.5) 2915 (46.8) 3747 (54.1)
Female 100 496 (46.7) 71 908 (45.5) 9083 (50.2) 3212 (52.4) 9796 (49.5) 3312 (53.2) 3185 (46.0)
Smoking status
Ex-smoker 107 787 (50.1) 84 066 (53.2) 9407 (52.0) 3274 (53.4) 10 508 (53.1) 3324 (53.4) 4128 (59.6)
Current smoker 107 447 (49.9) 74 008 (46.8) 8674 (48.0) 2859 (46.6) 9279 (46.9) 2903 (46.6) 2804 (40.5)
GOLD grade of airflow limitation
1 51 151 (23.8) 38 450 (24.3) 4370 (24.2) 1441 (23.5) 4627 (23.4) 1336 (21.5) 927 (13.4)
2 78 736 (36.6) 57 432 (36.3) 6757 (37.4) 2287 (37.3) 7793 (39.4) 2537 (40.7) 1930 (27.8)
3 24 985 (11.6) 17 764 (11.2) 2086 (11.5) 724 (11.8) 2705 (13.7) 859 (13.8) 847 (12.2)
4 3814 (1.8) 2781 (1.8) 282 (1.6) 99 (1.6) 361 (1.8) 138 (2.2) 153 (2.2)
Missing 56 548 (26.3) 41 647 (26.4) 4586 (25.4) 1582 (25.8) 4301 (21.7) 1357 (21.8) 3075 (44.4)
mMRC score
1 34 191 (15.9) 25 687 (16.3) 3201 (17.7) 1000 (16.3) 2854 (14.4) 779 (12.5) 670 (9.7)
2 59 658 (27.7) 43 767 (27.7) 5580 (30.9) 1967 (32.1) 5297 (26.8) 1579 (25.4) 1468 (21.2)
3 32 330 (15.0) 22 858 (14.5) 3118 (17.2) 1161 (18.9) 2938 (14.9) 1001 (16.1) 1254 (18.1)
4 13 249 (6.2) 9050 (5.7) 1319 (7.3) 487 (7.9) 1188 (6.0) 434 (7.0) 771 (11.1)
5 2559 (1.2) 1652 (1.1) 279 (1.5) 94 (1.5) 235 (1.2) 78 (1.3) 221 (3.2)
Missing 73 247 (34.0) 55 060 (34.8) 4584 (25.4) 1424 (23.2) 7275 (36.8) 2356 (37.8) 2548 (36.8)
Myocardial infarction 15 062 (7.0) 10 599 (6.7) 1367 (7.6) 467 (7.6) 1408 (7.1) 491 (7.9) 730 (10.5)
Stroke 17 311 (8.0) 12 381 (7.8) 1553 (8.6) 588 (9.6) 1399 (7.1) 458 (7.4) 932 (13.4)
Heart failure 9136 (4.2) 6045 (3.8) 951 (5.3) 335 (5.5) 726 (3.7) 303 (4.9) 776 (11.2)
Lung cancer 412 (0.2) 285 (0.2) 42 (0.2) <20 42 (0.2) <20 <20
Asthma 45 751 (21.3) 33 480 (21.2) 3540 (19.6) 1285 (21.0) 4505 (22.8) 1745 (28.0) 1196 (17.3)
GORD 31 904 (14.8) 22 403 (14.2) 3154 (17.4) 1217 (19.8) 3005 (15.2) 1067 (17.1) 1058 (15.3)
Anxiety disorder 46 184 (21.5) 32 399 (20.5) 4625 (25.6) 1678 (27.4) 4409 (22.3) 1571 (25.2) 1502 (21.7)
Depression 55 323 (25.7) 39 000 (24.7) 5358 (29.6) 1990 (32.5) 5320 (26.9) 1839 (29.5) 1816 (26.2)
BMI group (in kg/m2)
<19 8395 (3.9) 5996 (3.8) 757 (4.2) 226 (3.7) 735 (3.7) 247 (4.0) 434 (6.3)
19–24 62 392 (29.0) 46 015 (29.1) 5126 (28.4) 1662 (27.1) 5919 (29.9) 1725 (27.7) 1945 (28.1)
25–29 64 885 (30.2) 48 313 (30.6) 5314 (29.4) 1802 (29.4) 5863 (29.6) 1877 (30.1) 1716 (24.8)
≥30 58 796 (27.3) 42 687 (27.0) 5251 (29.0) 1897 (30.9) 5325 (26.9) 1781 (28.6) 1855 (26.8)
Missing 20 766 (9.7) 15 063 (9.5) 1633 (9.0) 546 (8.9) 1945 (9.8) 597 (9.6) 982 (14.2)
IMD quintiles
1 (least deprived) 34 469 (16.0) 25 774 (16.3) 2744 (15.2) 896 (14.6) 3148 (15.9) 909 (14.6) 998 (14.4)
2 38 946 (18.1) 28 881 (18.3) 3.122 (17.3) 1036 (16.9) 3589 (18.1) 1111 (17.8) 1207 (17.4)
3 42 090 (19.6) 31 054 (19.7) 3436 (19.0) 1206 (19.7) 3837 (19.4) 1202 (19.3) 1355 (19.6)
4 45 775 (21.3) 33 531 (21.2) 3913 (21.6) 1325 (21.6) 4120 (20.8) 1335 (21.4) 1551 (22.4)
5 (most deprived) 53 797 (25.0) 38 714 (24.5) 4852 (26.8) 1669 (27.2) 5076 (25.7) 1669 (26.8) 1817 (26.2)
Missing 157 (0.1) 120 (0.1) 14 (0.1) <5 17 (0.1) <5 <5
Blood eosinophil levels
<300 cells/µL 83 244 (38.7) 60 574 (38.3) 7377 (40.8) 2659 (43.4) 7340 (37.1) 2329 (37.4) 2965 (42.8)
≥300 cells/µL 37 720 (17.5) 26 885 (17.0) 3408 (18.9) 1272 (20.7) 3611 (18.3) 1206 (19.4) 1338 (19.3)
Missing 94 270 (43.8) 70 615 (44.7) 7296 (40.4) 2202 (35.9) 8826 (44.7) 2692 (43.2) 2629 (37.9)

The following baseline variables were identified at or close to index date and were identified as ‘current’: age, smoking status, IMD, BMI, mMRC, GOLD, asthma, eosinophil level. The following baseline variables were recorded any time prior to index date: depression, anxiety, GORD, lung cancer, myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke.

BMI, body mass index; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GOLD, Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; GORD, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease; IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation; LRTI, lower respiratory tract infection; mMRC, modified Medical Research Council.