Distribution of unfolding forces of core structures (left column)
and weak aggregates (right column), in three distinct experimental
settings: 4MBP in the absence of chaperone (top row), in the presence
of the wild-type HSPB8 (middle row), or in the presence of the K141E
mutant HSPB8 (bottom row). As a guide to the eye, the region between
the first and third quartile of the distribution has been highlighted
by a gray rectangle. Also, the position of the median is represented
by a vertical line. The presence of the chaperone does not affect
the mechanical stability of the core structure, while it significantly
lowers the breakage force of the weak aggregates, an effect that in
the case of the mutant is less pronounced. Histograms are based on
62, 47, and 97 core structures (left column, top to bottom) and on
124, 85, and 161 weak aggregates (right column, top to bottom).