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. 2023 Jul 7;14:1209485. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1209485

Table 5.

Association of the contents of attenuated and brief intermittent psychotic symptoms with age, linear regression analysis (N = 232).

SIPS No. Content Unstand. Beta SEa Stand. Beta T pa 95% CI; lowera 95% CI; uppera
P1B Audible thoughts (heard by others) −0.783 1.003 −0.033 −0.486 0.436 −3.960 2.394
P1B Experiences of mind being read −1.745 0.927 −0.086 −1.297 0.057 −4.397 0.907
P1D Nihilistic Ideas about the non-existence of others −1.799 0.714 −0.106 −1.637 0.014 −3.965 0.368
P1D Identity confusion (patient thinks s/he is s.o. else) 8.812 1.041 0.109 1.785 0.005 −0.917 18.541
P1D Demarcation experiences −7.281 0.750 −0.090 −1.472 0.005 −17.028 2.467
P1D Ideas of jealousy 3.126 5.275 0.077 1.149 0.479 −2.236 8.488
P1E Ideas of being the center of non-negative attention −0.441 1.317 −0.026 −0.426 0.768 −2.485 1.602
P2 Paranoid ideas of reference (gazes of passers–by) −1.870 0.679 −0.152 −2.341 0.014 −3.445 −0.296
P2 Ideas that others would exploit the patient 4.725 5.246 0.116 1.775 0.251 −0.523 9.972
P2 Ideas that others intend to harm the patient (not physically) 1.109 1.075 0.069 1.058 0.336 −0.958 3.175
P2 Ideas of being at risk of falling victim to terror attacks or similar 5.701 3.828 0.100 1.530 0.066 −1.646 13.049
P4B Acoustic illusions 7.660 3.753 0.164 2.582 0.014 1.813 13.508
P4B Hearing one's own name being called −1.817 1.249 −0.082 −1.276 0.109 −4.625 0.990
P4C Sensing a presence −1.872 1.122 −0.084 −1.321 0.090 −4.665 0.921
P4 Seeing moving shadows in the corner of the eye −0.983 0.754 −0.052 −0.787 0.213 −3.444 1.478
P4C Indistinct visual hallucinations −3.953 0.594 −0.109 −1.797 0.005 −8.290 0.384
P4D Sense of being touched −3.126 0.972 −0.086 −1.334 0.014 −7.744 1.492
P5 Extremely short, non-elaborative speech 14.921 0.438 0.185 3.083 0.005 5.382 24.460

GoF, F(18) = 3.659; p < 0.001; R2 = 0.236. aValues from Bootstrapping (N = 185). P1 “unusual thought content/delusional ideas” with B: section “first rank symptoms”, C: section “overvalued beliefs”, D: section “other unusual thoughts/delusional ideas”, and E: section “non-persecutory ideas of reference.” P2 “suspiciousness/persecutory ideas.” P3 “grandiose ideas.” P4 “perceptual abnormalities/hallucinations”; with B: section “auditory distortions, illusions, hallucinations”, C: section “visual distortions, illusions, hallucinations”, D: section “somatic distortions, illusions, hallucinations”, and E: section “olfactory and gustatory distortions, illusions, hallucinations.” P5 “disorganized communication.” “Ideas that others take over the patient's self/personality” was included in the regression analysis, but due to redundancy was not represented in the results by SPSS.