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. 2023 Jul 7;10:1121499. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1121499

Table 1.

Dairy cattle breeds reared in tropical countries.

Region Country Dairy cattle breeds References
East Africa Ethiopia, Somalia Horro, Guraghe, Arsi, Abigar, Zebu, Boran, Ambo, Adwa, Ogaden, Zebu Sanga, Fogera, Sanga, Raya-Azebo, Kerayu, Danakil, Bonga, Jimma, African taurine Sheko, East African shorthorn Zebu and Barca Galukande et al. (26), Bora et al. (27) Burundi, DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania Ankole, Holstein, Friesian, Jersey, Ayshire, Sahiwal, Boran, and East African shorthorn Zebu Rewe et al. (28), Kabi et al. (29) Tanzania Boran, Sahiwal, Friesian, Tanzania Shorthorn Zebu Msalya et al. (30), Kibona et al. (31)
West and central Africa Nigeria, Cameroon Bos taurus (humpless shorthorns and longhorns), White Fulani Mwai et al. (32), Norezzine et al. (33) Chad, Sudan, Senegal White Fulani, Zebu Fulani Norezzine et al. (33)
Southern Africa South Africa, Zambia Sanga cattle, Angoni, Tonga, Barotse, Mambwe, Baila and Lenje, Nsenga, Lozi, Swaka, Boran, Afrikander, Bonsmara, Jersey, Friesian, and Ayrshire Mwai et al. (32), Odubote (34)
North Africa Algerie Brown Atlas, Montbeliarde, Brune des Alpes FAO (35) Egypt Bos taurus, Brown atlas breed FAO (35) Mauritania Moorish zebu and Fulani zebu FAO (35) Morocco Brown atlas breed FAO (35) Tunisia Normandy, Eastern Red and White, Brown Suiss, Tarentaise FAO (35)
Asia India Ayshire, Brown Suiss, Guensey, Holstein, Friesian, Jersey, Sahiwal, Gir, Guzerá, Ratini, Kankrej, Tharparkar, Red Sindhi, Ongole, Deshi and Hariana Saravanan et al. (36), Velayudhan et al. (37), Worku et al. (38), Peixoto et al. (39), Verma et al. (40) Bangladesh, Thailand Sahiwal, Holstein Friesian, Brown Suiss, Jersey, Red Dene, Red Sindhi, Brahman, and Thai Native Chanda et al. (41), Boonkum et al. (6) Sri Lanka Deshi, Sindi, Sihaha Chanda et al. (41)
Latin America Costa Rica, Brazil Criollo, Creole, Guzerá, Junqueira, Franqueiro, Caracu, Mocho Nacional, Nellore, Jersey, Gir, Holstein, Girolando Egito et al. (42), Santana et al. (43), Santana et al. (44), Stumpf et al. (22)