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. 2023 Jul 7;10:1121499. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1121499

Table 5.

Candidate genes responsible for heat tolerance in dairy cattle breeds reared in tropical countries.

Country Dairy cattle breeds Identification method Candidate genes Functions Reference
India Holstein Friesian, Jersey mRNA sequencing HSF1, HSP70, HSP90, IL18, IFNγ, IFNβ, TNFα Adaptation, heat tolerance, immune response Velayudhan et al. (37)
Sahiwal, Karan Fries, Ladakhi, Holstein Friesian, Jersey qRT-qPCR HIF-alpha, EPAS1, SP70, HSP27 Adaptation to HS conditions in cold and hot regions Verma et al. (40)
Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Gir, Ongole, Vechur, Kangayam, Hariana Genome-wide scan for selection signatures FAM19A2, RAB31P, BEST3, DGKA, AHCY, PIGU, PFKP Immune response, metabolic pathway, glucose transportation and sugars, signaling pathways, cellular processes, cell division, glycolysis regulation and general adaptation to HS conditions Dixit et al. (116)
Hariana, Vrindavani Genome wide scan HSP90AA1, HSPB1, HSPD1, CALCOCO2, BAG2, HSP90AB1, HSPA4, MAPK3, ACOT7, HSPE1 Immune response, Heat tolerance Sajjanar et al. (109)
China (Yunnan-Myanmar border) Lincang Whole genome sequencing LIPH, IRAK3, GZMM, ELANE, MED16, DNAJC8, HSPA4 FILIP1L, HELB, BCL2L1, TPX2 Immune response, parasite resistance, HS resistance Sun et al. (107)
Brazil Girolando, Holstein, Gir x Holstein Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) LIF, OSM, TXNRD2, DGCR8 Regulation of cell survival after apoptotic stimuli, protection of cells from oxidative stress and general adaptation to heat stress conditions Otto et al. (101)
Gir Whole genome sequencing AMH, KIRRELS, MAPK, CAMP, CATHL1, CATHL2, CATHL3 Regulation of cell proliferation, gene expression, cellular response to osmotic stress and heat shock, cell survival, apoptosis, tick resistance Liao et al. (117)
Caracu Caldeano, Crioulo Lageano, and Pantaneiro Genome wide assessment of copy number variations BOLA-DQB, BOLA-DQA5, CD1A, TRBV3–1, DEFB13, DEFB7, PRG3, ULBP21 Cattle adaptation to harsh climatic conditions, heat tolerance, immune response and ectoparasite resistance Peripolli et al. (115)
Criollo Limonero, Senepol, Carora, and Romosinuano GWAS, Haplotype analysis, runs of homozygosity, and selection signatures SLICK hair, PRLR, SKP2, SPEF2 Heat tolerance Huson et al. (118)
Colombia Caqueteño Creole Selection signature CMPK1, FOXD2, ULBP, KRTAP9-2 Response to stress, tick resistance, thermotolerance between zebu and taurine breeds Toro-Ospina et al. (119)
Kenya East Africa Short Horn Zebu Signature of selection DNAJC8, DNAJC18, HSPA9, HSPB9 Heat stress response Bahbahani et al. (120)
Nigeria White Fulani, Sokoto Gudali, Red Bororo, Ambala qRT-PCR/HRMA HSP70, HSP90 Adaptability to heat stress Onasanya et al. (111)
Ethiopia Afar, Arsi, Bagaria, Bale, Begait, Boran, Choke, Fogera, Goffa, Horro, Mursi, Ogaden, Semien, Sheko, Butana, Kenana, Ankole, Muturu, N’Dama, Gir, Angus, Holstein Whole genome sequencing CHADL, CTNNA, MZB1, GNAS, ENSBTAG00000017475, MED, THRA, NR1D1, IL18, RARA, KIT, PLA2G2A, ITPR2, IL18, TRAF3IP2, PRKCZ, TBX21, IL4, SOAT1STING1, DNAJC18, BAG6 Immune response, ion homeostasis, cell differentiation involved in immune response, coat color pigmentation and general adaptation to tropical environments Terefe et al. (16)
Sudan Kenana, Butana, Aryashai, Baggara, Gash and Fulani Selection signatures DNAJC18, HSPA9, LEMD3, MSRB3, TBC1D30, WIF1, MARCO, HOXC, ARHGAP26, IRAK3, NR3C1, FAAP20, MORN1, SK1, FAAP20, PEX10, PLCH2, PRKCZ, PLCH2, PRKCZ, RER1 Heat stress response, immune response, body size and conformation, glucose homeostasis, insulin signaling and fat metabolism all associated with heat tolerance in hot and arid environments Tijjani et al. (121)
South Africa Nguni, Angus, and Holstein Genome-wide scan for selection signatures KRT222, KRT24, KRT25, KRT26, KRT27, HSPB9, CYM, CDC6, CDK10 Immune response, adaptation to tropical environments Makina et al. (122)

HSF1, Heat shock transcription factor-1; HSP70, Heat shock proteins-70; HSP90, Heat shock proteins-90; IL18, Interleukin-18; IFNγ, interferon gamma; IFNβ, interferon beta; TNFα, tumor necrosis factor alpha; HIF-alpha, Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha; EPAS1, Endothelial PAS domain-containing protein 1; SP, specificity protein; FAM19A2, Family with sequence similarity 19; RAB31P, Ras-related protein Rab-31; BEST3, Bestrophin 3; DGKA, Diacylglycerol kinase alpha; AHCY, Adenosylhomocysteinase; PIGU, Phosphatidylinositol Glycan Anchor Biosynthesis Class U; PFKP, Phosphofructokinase; LIPH, Lipase member H-Homosapiens; IRAK3, Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 3; GZMM, Granzyme M; ELANE, Elastase neutrophil expressed; MED16, Mediator complex subunit 16; DNAJC8, DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C8; FILIP1L, Filamin A interacting protein 1 like; HELB=DNA Helicase B; BCL2L1, BCL-2 protein family-like 1; TPX2, Targeting protein for Xklp2; LIF, Leukemia inhibitory factor; OSM, Oncostatin M; TXNRD2, Thioredoxin reductase 2; DGCR8, microprocessor complex subunit DGCR8; AMH, Anti-Mullerian Hormone; KIRRELS, Kirre Like Nephrin Family Adhesion Molecule 1; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase 1; CAMP=Cathelicidin Antimicrobial Peptide; CATHL1, Cathelicidin-1; CATHL2, Cathelicidin-2; CATHL3, Cathelicidin-3; BOLA-DQB, bovine leukocyte antigen (BoLA)-DRB; CD1A, Cluster of Differentiation 1a; TRBV3–1, T Cell Receptor Beta Variable 3–1; DEFB13, Defensin Beta 113; PRG3, Proteoglycan 3; ULBP21= UL16 binding protein 21; SLICK hair, mutation in a prolactin receptor; PRLR, prolactin receptor; SKP2, S-Phase Kinase Associated Protein 2; SPEF2, Sperm Flagellar 2; CMPK1, cytidine monophosphate kinase 1; FOXD2, Forkhead Box D2; KRTAP9-2, Keratin Associated Protein 9–2; CHADL, Chondroadherin Like; CTNNA, Catenin Alpha 1; MZB1, Marginal Zone B And B1 Cell Specific Protein; GNAS, guanine nucleotide binding protein; ENSBTAG00000017475, ENSEMBL gene ID ENSBTAG00000017475; MED, mediator complex; THRA, Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha; NR1D1, nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1; RARA, Retinoic acid receptor alpha; KIT, receptor tyrosine kinase protein; PLA2G2A, Phospholipase A2 Group IIA; ITPR2, Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2; TRAF3IP2, TRAF3 interacting protein 2; PRKCZ, Protein Coding Protein Kinase C Zeta; TBX21, T-box transcription factor 21; SOAT1STING1, stimulation of interferon cGAMP interactor; BAG6, BCL2-associated athanogene cochaperone 6; LEMD3, LEM domain containing 3; MSRB3, methionine sulfoxide reductase B3; TBC1D30, TBC1 domain family member 30; WIF1, Wnt inhibitory factor 1; MARCO, Macrophage Receptor With Collagenous Structure; HOXC, homeotic; ARHGAP26, Rho GTPase activating protein 26; NR3C1, nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group c member 1; FAAP20, FA core complex associated protein 20; MORN1, MORN repeat containing 1; SK1, sphingosine kinase 1; PEX10, peroxisomal biogenesis factor 10; PLCH2, phospholipase Eta 2; PRKCZ, protein kinase c zeta; RER1, Retention In Endoplasmic Reticulum Sorting Receptor 1; KRT222, keratin 222; KRT24, keratin 24; KRT25, keratin 25; KRT26, keratin 26; KRT27, keratin 27; CYM, chymosin; CDC6, cell division cycle 6; and CDK10, cyclin dependent kinase 10.