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. 2023 Jul 1;8(4):487–506. doi: 10.1016/j.ncrna.2023.06.002

Table 1.


No Study registration number (ref) Study Population Age Group Intervention Arm n Comparator arm n Time to follow Up Primary Endpoint Outcome: Mean Difference (Treatment vs Placebo) Adverse Events
1 NCT00216463 (Furtado, 2012) hypercholesterolemic LDL-C ≥130 mg/dL and TG ≤ 4oomg/dL
BMI 25–32kg/m2
18–65 years old Mipomersen once a week.
100 mg
200 mg
300 mg
For a total of 13 weeks
6 (apoCIΩ
Placebo 2
Day 99 Total cholesterol;
Concentration of ApoCIII; concentration of apoB
Total Cholesterol
100 mg = −33.3 (−60.6, −5.9) p = 0.004
200 mg = −78.4 (−105.7, −51.1) p < 0.001
300 mg = −108.5 (−136.9, −81.0) p < 0.001
100 mg = −30.3 (−46.2, −14.3) p = 0.001
200 mg = −57.3 (−72.3, −42.3) p < 0.001
300 mg = −84.5 (−100.3, −68.7) p < 0.001
100 mg = 0.97 (−3.1, 5.1) p = 0.6
200 mg = −5.81 (−10.1, −1.5) p = 0.01
300 mg = −6.03 (−8.9, −3.2) p < 0.001
Not reported
2 NCT02160899
NCT02414594 (Viney, 2016)
64 participants to the phase 2 trial (35 in IONIS-APO(a)Rx and 29 in placebo in June 25, 2014, to Nov 18, 2015). 58 healthy volunteers to the phase 1/2a trial of IONIS-APO(a)-LRx (28 in sd group and 30 in md group in April 15, 2015, to Jan 11, 2016) Adult A: IONIS-APO(a)Rx 100 mg SC, once a week for 4 weeks, 200 mg SC, once a week for 4 weeks, then 300 mg SC, once a week for 4 weeks
B: IONIS-APO(a)-LRx 6 doses of 10 mg, 20 mg, or 40 mg at days 1, 3, 5, 8, 15, and 22, for a total dose exposure in the active arms of 60 mg, 120 mg, or 240 mg per cohort
A: 51
B: 13
Placebo A: 26
B: 3
A: day 85 or 99
B: day 30
A: reduction of Lp(a) plasma concentration
B: reduction of Lp(a) plasma concentration
A: 66.8% (61.6, 72)
B: 24·8% (3·1, 67·1) for 10 mg,
35·1% (2·2, 8·8) for 20 mg,
48·2% (10·9, 78·4) for 40 mg,
82·5% (50·5, 109·2) for 80 mg,
84·5% (65·2, 112·6) for 120 mg
There were two serious adverse events (myocardial infarctions) in the IONIS-APO(a)Rx phase 2 trial, one in the IONIS-APO(a)Rx and one in the placebo group, but neither were thought to be treatment related. 12% of injections with IONIS-APO(a)Rx were associated with injection-site reactions. IONIS-APO(a)-LRx was associated with no injection-site reactions.
3 European Clinical Trial Database 2012-004909-27 (Tsimikas et al., 2015) healthy adults, BMI less than 32•0 kg/m(2), Lp(a) 25 nmol/L (100 mg/L) or more 18–65 years old ISIS-APO(a)Rx, Single dose, SC injection
50 mg
100 mg
200 mg
400 mg

ISIS-APO(a)Rx, Multi dose, SC injection
100 mg for a total dose exposure of 600 mg
200 mg for a total dose exposure of 1200 mg
300 mg for a total dose exposure of 1800 mg

Placebo Single dose: 4
Multi dose: 6
day 30
day 36
Lp(A) reduction Single doses of ISIS-APO(a)Rx (50–400 mg) did not decrease Lp(a) concentrations at day 30.
Placebo outcome change from baseline: 5% (−8,15)
Multidose ISIS-APO(a)Rx
100 mg 39.6%, p = 0.005
200 mg 59.0%, p = 0.001
300 mg 77.8%, p = 0.001
Mild injection site reactions were the most common adverse events. 2 volunteers excluded due to AE (one each in ISIS-APO(a)Rx 200 mg md (ec injection site adverse event) and 300 mg md (ec flu-like syndrome that resolved without sequelae). No SAE. Mild injection site reactions were the most common adverse events. ≥10% of participant in ISIS-APO(a)Rx group got headache and fatigue, no significantly different compared to Placebo.
4 Waldman, E (2017) Established atherosclerosis, LDL ≥ 3.4 mmol/L (130 mg/dL) despite on stable maximal possible lipid lowering therapy for more than ≥ 3 months, BMI ≤ 40 kg/m2, women had to be postmenopausal or on highly effective contraceptive regimen, and fulfilled German criteria for lipoprotein apheresis >18 yo, mean 42-72 yo Mipomersen 200 mg, SC injection, weekly for 26 weeks (at least 12 weaks) 11 none 4 26 weeks, or between 12 and 26 weeks for discontinued patients (n = 4) pre apheresis LDL cholesterol −0.02 (−1.1, 1.1) p = 0.002 Of the 11 patients randomized to mipomersen, 3 discontinued the drug early due to side effects (2 for injection site reactions and 1 for flu-like symptoms) and were replaced. Further 4 patients discontinued mipomersen during treatment weeks 12e26, again for side effects (1 due to elevations of liver enzymes, the other 3 due to moderate to rather severe injection site reactions (ISR) and flu-like symptoms (FLS)) and were not replaced.
5 NCT01713361 (Büller et al., 2015) undergoing elective primary unilateral total knee arthroplasty 18–80 years old FXI-ASO, SC injection
200 mg
300 mg
9 times at day 1,3,5,8,15,22,29,36,39
enoxaparin 40 mg 69 3 months Incidence of adjudicated total thromboembolism which was a composite of asymptomatic DVT, objectively confirmed symptomatic venous thromboemolism, fatal PE, unexplained death which PE could not be ruled out. Efficacy (Total Venous Thromboembolism)
200 mg = −15 (−37, 7) p = 0.59
300 mg = −18 (−16, −29) p < 0.001
Total 12 AE (bleeding), 6 of which related to treatment.
6 Dasgupta et al. (2019) Biopsy proven ATTR amyloidosis (hereditary or wild type) with clinical signs and symptoms of CHF (NYHA I - III), a left ventricular wall thickness ≥ 1.3 cm on TEE, stable renal function (GFR >35) and stable thyroid function (TSH <10 or normal serum T4) No age restriction (mean 63.4–76.2 years old) Inotersen
300 mg/1.5 ml subcutaneous/week
33 None None Every 6 months, MRI every year if there is no contraindication
Still ongoing (3 years by the time this journal was published)
Decrease of LV mass (MRI), Decrease in left ventricular septal thickness (TEE), Increase of exercise tolerance (6MWT), Stable LVEF, Steady decline of BNP. Total 8 AE, all related to treatment. AEs:
Inflamation & Induration on the site of injection
7 NCT01713361 (Tsimikas et al., 2020) elevated screening plasma lipoprotein(a) level (≥60 mg per deciliter [150 nmol per liter]).
Confounding factors: CAD, Overweigh, HT, DMT2, Familial Hypercholesterolemia, smoking
Adult 18–80 years old APO(a)-LRx, SC injection
20 mg every 4 weeks,
40 mg every 4 weeks,
60 mg every 4 weeks,
20 mg every 2 weeks for 6 months
Placebo normal saline per week 47 6 months percent change in Lipo(a) at 6 monts exposure, safety and efficacy 20 mg/4 weeks = 80.7 (1.2, 21) p = 0.003;
40 mg/4 weeks = 101.7 (7.3, 131.4) p < 0.001;
20 mg/2 weeks = 115.1 (9.8, 195) p < 0.001;
60 mg/4 weeks = 134.3 (24, 627.4) p < 0.001;
20 mg/1 weeks = 172.6 (109.3, 11.571)p < 0.001
Total 253 AE, 212 of which related to treatment.
2 deaths due to traffic accident and suicide.
AEs:. influenza like symptoms, injection site reaction
8 Santos, Raul D (2015) HoFH, Severe-HC, HeFH-CAD, HC-CHD ≥ 12 years old Mipomersen 200 mg, SC injection, weekly for 26 weeks Total 261
HoFH 51,
Severe-HC 58,
HeFH-CAD 124,
HC-CHD 157
placebo 129 week 28 - week 28 + 24 LDL-C HoFH = 0.3 (0.04, 0.6), p = 0.002;
Severe-HC = 0.6 (0.4, 0.8) p = 0.002;
HeFH-CAD = 0 (−0.2, 0.2) p = 0.001;
HC-CHD = 0.6 (0.4, 0.8) p < 0.001
injection site reaction (+).
9 NCT00607373
NCT00794664. (Raal et al., 2010, Stein et al., 2012, Mcgowan et al., 2012)

Comorbidites: smoker, metabolic syndrome, overweight-obese
n/a Mipomersen 200 mg, SC injection, weekly for 26 weeks 382
HoFH 51,
Severe-HC 57,
HC-CHD 151,
placebo 126 week 28 Lp(a) −26.4 (−32.1, −20.7) p < 0.001 median (interquartile range)
10 NCT00770146 (thomas et al., 2013) HC, CHD

Comorbidities: DMT2
≥18 years old Mipomersen 200 mg SC injection weekly, for 28 weeks 101 placebo 50 week 28 - week 24 LDL-C −38 (−49.3824, −26.6176) p < 0.001 A total of 139 patietns experiencing AEs, 97 of which related to treatment.
AEs: injectio site reaction, flu-like symptoms, ALD increased, hepatic stetosis
11 Luigetti, M et al. (2022) hereditary aTTR n/a inotersen 14.6 ± 5.9 months (range, 6–24 months) 23 none none 6–14.6 months troponin, NTpro BNP, intervent septum thickness, BMI
safety-- > number of dropouts
Troponin 0.01 (−0.0052, 0.0252) p = 0.19;
NTpro BNP -45.6 (−703.82, 612.62) p = 0.88
IVS 1.5 (−0.46, 3.46) p = 0.12
5 dropouts, 2 of which related to treatment.
20 AEs are all related to treatment, which are:
4: severe thrombocytopenia
9: mid trombocytopenia
7: mild thrombocytopenia
12 Yang, X et al. (2016) hyperTAG
cohort 1: FCS
cohort 2: hyperTAG of varying causes
cohort 3: stable fibrate therapy
adult Volanesorsen
100 mg,
200 mg,
300 mg weekly for 13 weeks
Placebo 16 176 days apoCIII-apoB apoCIII-ApoB 100 mg −31 (−17005, 16943)
apoCIII-ApoB 200 mg 21026 (8505, 33547) p < 0.001
apoCIII-ApoB 300 mg −626803 (−640678, −612928) p < 0.001
not reported
13 Benson, MD et al. (2017) hereditary and wild-type ATTR with moderate-severe cardiomyopathy
adult/elderly >55 years old IONIS-TTR]) 10 patients experiencing AEs
14 Reeskamp, L et al. (2018) high risk and severe HeFH
persistent hyperchol
maximal LDL-lowering therapy

Alcohol consumption
CHD other atherosclerotic disease
DM statin
Adult>18 years old Mimopersen
200 mg SQ 1x/week
70 mg SQ 3x/week for 60 weeks
Placebo 57
84 weeks percent change LDL −20.96 (−29.5085, −12.4115) p < 0.001

−18.80 (−20.7270, −16.8730) p < 0.001
A total of 259 AEs, 178 of which related to treatment
15 Sugihara, C et al. (2015) dual chamber PPM and AF burden 1-10
Use of dabigatran/warfarin
Prior stroke
Use of card meds as indicated above
adult >18 years old ISIS-CRPRx
200 mg in 1 mL solution/SC in two injection
3x/wk for 1 week
1x/wk for 3 wks
Total intervention: 4 weeks
7 none none every visit during drug administration;
4 week; and 8 week
change in AF burden before and after MD: 1.6% (−1.45% to 4.65%) p = 0.37
CRP: -2.9 (−5.95, 0.15) mg/L p = 0.031
16 NCT03728634 (Viney et al., 2020) healthy, non-pregnant,/lactating, BMI <32, able to take vitamin A 18–65 years old AKCEA-TTR-LRx (ION-682884)120 mg SD/SC
45 mg 4x dose/SC, 1x/month for 4 months
60 mg 4x dose/SC, 1x/month for 4 months
90 mg 4x dose/SC, 1x/month for 4 months
placebo 2
safety assesment: AEs-- > physical and lab findings
PK parameters
PD parameters
SD: -80.40 (−94.0 to −66.8)
45 mg: -79.80 (−95 to −64.6), p < 0.001
60 mg: -84.60 (−98.9 to −70.3), p < 0.001
90 mg: -87.90 (−97.4 to −78.4), p < 0.001
A total of 7 AEs, 6 of which related to treatment.
17 NCT01737398 (Benson et al., 2018) stage 1 and 2 hereditary TTR amyloidosis
Val30Met TTR mutation stage 1 vs stage 2
Previous treatment with tafamidis and diflusinal
adults inotersen 300 mg, SC injection, 3 injection for the 1st week, followed by weekly injection up to 65 wks (67 doses) 87 placebo 52 1 week after initiation
35 wks after initiation
66 week post treatment
“mNIS+7 score
Norfolk QOLD-DN score"
mNIS+7: -19.70 (−21.3 to −18.1) p < 0.001
norfolk QOL-DN: -.17(xxxxx) p < 0.001
A total of 199 AEs, 119 of which related to treatment.
110→ any AEs
9→ serious AEs.