Aberrant differentiation and hindbrain signatures in the PHOX2B-7Ala HBSOs
(A) RNA velocity analyses revealed the differentiation paths of various neuronal subtypes were perturbed in the PHOX2B-7Ala HBSOs.
(B) Barplot showing the population size difference of six neuronal subtypes between the control and PHOX2B-7Ala mutant, and the sizes of each population are listed in the bottom table.
(C) Barplot showing the disrupted pathways in pooled neuronal cells in PHOX2B-7Ala HBSOs.
(D) Violin plots showing the key DEGs involved in neuronal differentiation (upper panel) and hindbrain regionalization (lower panel) in PHOX2B-7Ala mutant.
(E and F) Immunostaining of (E) PHOX2B and ISL1 and (F) NKX2-2 in the day-60 control and PHOX2B-7Ala HBSOs. Dotted lines mark the outer surface of the HBSOs. See also Figure S3.