Serial number |
Demographics of the female high school students participating in this study |
Age |
City of birth |
Riyadh |
Other city |
Father’s education |
Under high school diploma |
High school diploma |
Graduate diploma or bachelor |
Masters or doctorate |
Mother’s education |
Under high school diploma |
High school diploma |
Graduate diploma or bachelor |
Masters or doctorate |
Number of relatives or friends whom have done a rhinoplasty |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 or more |
Attitude toward rhinoplasty |
How do you feel about your nose? |
Happy |
Not happy |
Don’t care |
Do you want to do a rhinoplasty? |
Yes |
No |
Why do you want to do a rhinoplasty? |
For beauty |
To show off |
Insist of friends and family |
To catch up with the mode |
Other reasons |
What type of doctor would you like to operate on you? |
Doctor who charges less |
Doctor with good manners |
Doctor who operates well |
Doctor who has lots of patients and is busy |
Others |
Why don’t you want a rhinoplasty |
Fear of operation |
Fear of side effects |
Don’t have enough money |
Plastic surgery is no use |
Like my nose as it is |
Other reasons |