Effect of once daily IP injections [vehicle, GIP-085 (300nmol/kg), GLP-140 (100nmol/kg), or combined GIP-085/GLP-140 (Combo)] of daily (A) and 8-day cumulative (B) chow intake, daily (C) and 8-day cumulative (D) Crisco intake, daily (E) and 8-day cumulative (F) sucrose intake (10% solution), and daily (G) and 8-day cumulative (H) water intake. 8-day cumulative body weight change (I). Daily average intake of chow, sucrose, and Crisco as total Kcals (J), as a % of total Kcal intake (K), and the ratio of sucrose to Crisco Kcal intake (L). Direct comparisons are indicated with letter sets (a,b or x,z or m,n).