GPC4 knockdown reversed the effects of FTO on microglia. (A,B) RT-qPCR and Western blot for detecting GPC4 expression in the FTO-deficient HMC3 cells transfected with vehicle lentivirus, shGPC4-1, shGPC4-2, or shGPC4-3 lentivirus. (C,D) RT-qPCR and Western blot for showing the expression of iNOS, TNFα, and IL6 in vehicle 1 (corresponding to shFTO) +LPS&IFN-γ, shFTO + LPS&IFN-γ, shFTO + shGPC4+LPS&IFN-γ, and shFTO + vehicle 2 (corresponding to shGPC4) +LPS&IFN-γ groups. (E, F) CXCL10 mRNA and protein expression in different groups with the abovementioned stimulation. (G) The number of human CD4+ T cells that migrated into lower HMC3 cells in the abovementioned groups. (H) Expression levels of key proteins involved in the TLR4 pathway (TLR4, CD14, and CXCL10) in the abovementioned groups (n = 3). Values are analyzed using the one-way ANOVA. ∗P < 0.05; ∗∗P < 0.01.