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. 2023 May 11;3(7):100321. doi: 10.1016/j.xgen.2023.100321

Actin Bio-Rad Cat#12004163, RRID:AB_2861334
H3K27ac Active Motif Cat#39133, RRID:AB_2561016
JUN Cell Signaling Cat#9165S, RRID:AB_2130165
MDM2 Abcam Cat#ab226939, RRID:AB_2754988
P53 Cell Signaling Cat#48818, RRID:AB_2713958
PML Santa Cruz Cat#sc-966, RRID:AB_628162
RUNX2 Cell Signaling Cat#12556S, RRID:AB_2732805
YY1 Santa Cruz Cat#sc-7341, RRID:AB_2257497
Drosophila spike-in chromatin antibody Active Motif Cat#61686, RRID:AB_2737370

Biological samples

See Table S1 for a list of patient samples included in the study N/A

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

HDM201 SelleckChem Cat#S8606
Nutlin-3a SelleckChem Cat#S8059
Navitoclax SelleckChem Cat#S1001
Klenow Fragment (3-5exo-) NEB Cat#M0212L
Drosophila spike-in chromatin Active Motif Cat#53083
MboI NEB Cat# R0147M
Biotin-dATP ThermoFisher Cat#195224016
Streptavidin M280 beads Invitrogen Cat#11205D
RIPA buffer Life Technologies Cat#89900
HALT protease phosphatase inhibitor cocktail ThermoFisher Cat#78440
Cell Titer-Glo Promega Cat#G7570
16% Formaldehyde Life Technologies Cat#28908
Vectashield Vector labs Cat#H-1000-10
Fluoromount G Invitrogen Cat#00495802
KaryoMAX colcemid solution Life Technologies Cat#15212012
DAPI (4′,6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole, Dihydrochloride) Thermo Fisher Cat#D1306

Critical commercial assays

QIAGEN RNeasy lipid kit Qiagen Cat#74804
End-It DNA repair kit Biosearch Technologies Cat#ER0720
KAPA HiFi HotStart ReadyMix PCR Kit Roche Cat#07958935001
Zymo Clean and Concentrate Kit Zymo Cat#DCC-100
Nextera DNA library prep kit Illumina Cat#20018704
BCA protein assay kit ThermoFisher Cat#23227
Dead cell apoptosis kit Invitrogen Cat#V13241

Deposited data

Sequencing data This paper GEO: GSE213300
Human transcriptomic data derived from the TCGA Xena curated data repository
H3K27ac HiChIP of normal tissues Mumbach et al.20 GEO: GSE101498

Experimental models: Cell lines

HCT116 ATCC Cat#CCL-247, RRID:CVCL_0291
U-2 OS ATCC Cat#HTB-96, RRID:CVCL_0042
LPS141 gift from Dr. Adrian Marino-Enriquez Brigham and Women’s Hospital
LPS853 gift from Dr. Adrian Marino-Enriquez Brigham and Women’s Hospital
93T449 gift from Dr. Adrian Marino-Enriquez Brigham and Women’s Hospital
94T778 gift from Dr. Adrian Marino-Enriquez Brigham and Women’s Hospital


PCR of P53 CRISPR targeting region -Forward primer IDT CCCAACCCTTGTCCTTACCA
PCR of P53 CRISPR targeting region -Reverse primer IDT CAACATGCAAAGCCCTGTCT
Chr12 FISH probes Empire Genomics Cat#CHR12-10-GR
MDM2 FISH probes Empire Genomics Cat#MDM2-20-OR

Recombinant DNA

pXPR_044, all in one CRISPR-Cas9 vector gift from John Doench and Dave Root Broad Institute, Genomics Perturbation Plat-form

Software and algorithms

Code supporting this study This paper;
STAR Dobin et al.78 version 2.7.10
Juicebox Durand et al.79
Hichipper Lareau et al.80 version 0.7.9
HiC-Pro Servant et al.81 version 2.10.0
Bioconductor Huber et al.582 Release 3.13
Homer Heinz et al.83 version 4.11
Samtools Danecek et al.84 version 1.15.1
Bedtools Quinlan et al.85 version 2.29.0
HTSlib Bonfield et al.86 version 1.15.1
FIJI Schindelin et al.87 version 2.0.0-rc-43/1.5h
CellProfiler Stirling et al.88 version 4.2.1
SynergyFinder Ianevski et al.89 version 1.6.1
FlowJo BD biosciences version 10.8.0