Figure 5. Cholinergic-mediated shift in the center of mass of firing is mediated by TRPM4 channels.
(A) Somatic recordings for a two second triangular current ramp injected in the soma in control (A1), CCh (2 µM) (A2), and CCh + CBA (50 µM) (A3) applied subsequently to the same cell. Current traces and instantaneous frequency plots are just below voltage traces. Red dotted line marks the middle of the ramp. Summary data (A4) of the adaptation index for control, CCh, and CCh + CBA (n=9). Open circles connected by gray lines represent indices for individual cells, over all three treatments. Black squares with error bars represent group averages ± SEM. (B) Same as in A, but for dendritic injection and recordings. Summary data (B4) of the adaptation index for control, CCh, and CCh + CBA (n=9). (C) Same as A, but for control (C1), CCh (2 µM) (C2), and CCh + 9-phenanthrol (100 µM) (C3) applied subsequently to the same cell. Summary data (C4) of the adaptation index for control, CCh, and CCh + 9-phenanthrol (n=8). *** p<0.0005, **p=0.002, * p=0.02, ## p=0.001, # p=0.03, n.s. not significant, one-way repeated measures ANOVA and post hoc pairwise comparisons with a Bonferroni adjustment. Source data in "Figure 5—source data 1".