Extended Data Fig. 7. Characterisation of human liver myeloid cell turnover and tissue localisation.
a, Proportion of donor-derived cells in the two other patients after undergoing transplantation, as assessed by flow cytometric staining for donor-specific HLA. b, Proportion of donor-derived LM subsets in the liver (donor, n=3) before and after (donor, n=3) transplantation into the recipient. c, Proportion of donor-derived LM subsets in the blood (recipient, n=3) after transplantation. d, Proportion of donor- or recipient-derived myeloid cell subsets among all live CD45+CD68+HLA-DR+ myeloid cells 8 months or 11 years post-transplantation (n=4; P=0.0286). e, Proportion of human LM subsets among all live CD45+CD68+HLA-DR+ myeloid cells in individuals 8 months or 11 years post-transplantation (n=4). LM1 was defined as CD14+CD16+CD206+, LM2 as CD14+CD16-CD206+, LM3 as CD14+CD16+CD206-, and LM4 as CD14+CD16-CD206-. f, Proportion of donor- or recipient-derived cells for each LM subset in individuals 8 months or 11 years post-transplantation (n=4; LM1 donor vs recipient P=0.0003 and LM2-LM4 donor vs recipient P<0.0001). g-h, Top: Images of lean human liver (Lean 2) or obese human liver (Obese 2) imaged with Phenocycler, displaying the imaged tissue (left) and region of interest highlighting six markers that are coloured according to the panel below. Regions containing portal tracts (pt) and central vein (cv) are highlighted in the image by dashed white lines. Scale bar, 400µm (left; entire tissue) and 100µm (right; region of interest). Bottom: Pseudo-space plot visualising the composition of resident and recruited macrophages sorted by tissue regions containing bile ducts (sorted to the right). Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. P values were calculated by two-way ANOVA with adjustment for multiple comparisons (b, f) or by two-tailed Mann-Whitney test (d). *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001.