Blood-CSF transport impaired by sleep loss. CSF/Plasma Protein Ratio normalized to a baseline of the average ratio over hours 0–12 (07:00–19:00). The CSF/plasma ratio increased for Aβ40, Aβ42, T181, T217, and pT181 during the overnight period in the sleep-deprived group compared with the control (A-E). The CSF/plasma albumin ratio, a marker of blood-CSF permeability, was decreased overnight during sleep deprivation (F). The overnight period during the intervention night was defined as hours 18 to 28 (21:00–11:00). Blue: control; Red: sleep-deprived; Error bars indicate standard error. The vertical dashed line is the intervention start time. The horizontal dashed line is at time 0. P-values are shown.