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. 2023 Jul 11;68:1605552. doi: 10.3389/ijph.2023.1605552


Multivariate regression testing the hypothesized model (China, 2022).

Predictor Outcome 1: Emotional distress Outcome 2: Subjective well-being
B SE t 95% CI B SE t 95% CI
Age 0.019 0.008 2.421* [0.004, 0.034] 0.064 0.019 3.389*** [0.027, 0.101]
Sex −0.034 0.031 −1.084 [−0.095, 0.028] −0.244 0.077 −3.190** [−0.394, −0.094]
Educational background −0.105 0.040 −2.617** [−0.183, −0.026] −0.209 0.098 −2.133* [−0.401, −0.017]
Family monthly income −0.011 0.015 −0.751 [−0.041, 0.018] 0.060 0.037 1.619 [−0.013, 0.133]
Infected with COVID-19 −0.164 0.046 −3.545*** [−0.255, −0.073] −0.204 0.114 −1.792 [−0.427, 0.019]
PF 0.118 0.011 11.135*** [0.097, 0.139] −0.027 0.027 −1.001 [−0.080, 0.026]
SC −0.488 0.029 −16.845*** [−0.544, −0.431]
PF × SC −0.084 0.018 −4.764*** [−0.119, −0.050]
ED −0.445 0.065 −6.903*** [−0.571, −0.319]
R 2 0.356 0.078
F 79.582*** 13.915***

Note. PF, pandemic fatigue; SC, self-compassion; ED, emotional distress, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.