Fig. 1.
Hippocampal subfield volume differences in PCS and HC. (A) Mean (z-scores) and standard error of hippocampal subfield volume differences in PCS and HC. (B) Mean (z-score) of the bilateral whole hippocampus volume in PCS and HC; (C) Visual representation of the effect size of the hippocampal volume differences between PCS and HC, measured with η2; (D) Correlations between head of the hippocampus and cognition (p < 0.05); ∗p < 0.01 and ∗∗p < 0.0017 (Bonferroni corrected). Blue = Attention, processing speed and working memory; Green = Executive Functions; Red = Learning and Memory; Purple = Visuo perceptive, visuospatial and visuoconstructive ability; Yellow = Language; ROCF = Rey–Osterrieth complex figure; SDMT = Symbol digit modalities test; Stroop W = Stroop word subtest; Stroop C = Stroop color subtest; Stroop W-C = Stroop word-color interference subtest; FCSRT = Free and cued selective reminding test; VOSP = Visual object and space perception battery; JLO = Judgment line orientation; BNT = Boston naming test.