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. 2023 Jun 21;9(3):34. doi: 10.3390/ijns9030034

Table 3.

Impact of metabolite instability on interpretation of amino acid concentrations.

Effect of Individual AA on Retrospective Assessment Assessment of Parameters/Disorders Effect of AA Disease Ratios on Retrospective
Parameter * Disorder Retrospective Analysis of IMDs RCVa Annual Percentile Decay RCVa Reached Metabolite Ratio Retrospective Analysis of IMDs
Risk Category (%) (%) (years) Risk Category
Arg ARG False-negative 56.5 - *** - *** Arg/Orn, Arg/Phe, Arg/Ala Cannot be interpreted
Cit/Arg (low) Cannot be interpreted
Cit (low) OTC/CPS False-positive 31.9 8 4.0 No informative AA disease ratios -
NAGS, OAT False-positive 31.9 8 4.0 No informative AA disease ratios -
Cit CIT-I False-negative 31.9 8 4.0 Cit/Phe none
Cit/Arg, Met/Cit (low) -
(Low): Ala/Cit, Glu/Cit, Orn/Cit none
Pro/Cit (low) False-negative
Gln/Cit (low) False-positive
CIT-II False-negative 31.9 8 4.0 Cit/Phe none
Pro/Cit (low) False-negative
Gln/Cit (low) False-positive
PC False-negative 31.9 8 4.0 Cit/Phe none
Met/Cit (low) -
(low): Ala/Cit, Glu/Cit, Orn/Cit none
Pro/Cit (low) False-negative
ASA False-negative 31.9 8 4.0 (low): Cit/Phe, Ala/Cit none
Pro/Cit (low) False-negative
Orn/Cit (low) False-positive
Met/Cit (low) -
Gln (low) CIT-II False-positive 53.7 Exponential decay (Table 2) <1 See CIT – CIT-II
Glu (low) PC False-positive 21.6 9 2.4 See CIT-PC
Gly (low) 3PGDH False-positive 23.0 12 2.2 Ala/(Ser + Gly) False-positive
Gly NKHG False-negative 23.0 12 2.2 No informative AA disease ratios
Xle ** MSUD False negative 19.11 6 3.2 Val/Phe, Xle/Phe, Xle/Ala, Xle/Tyr False-positive
Met/Xle (low) -
(Ile + Leu + Val)/(Phe + Tyr) False-positive
Gly/(Ile + Leu + Val) False-negative
Xle (low) BCKDK False-positive 19.11 6 3.2 (low): Val/Phe, Xle/Phe, Xle/Ala, (Xle + Val)/(Phe + Tyr) False-negative
Met (low) RMD False-positive 18.6 - *** - *** Met/Phe (low) Cannot be interpreted
Met HCY False negative 18.6 - *** - *** Met/Ala, Met/Xle, Met/Phe, Met/Cit, Met/Val, Met/Gly, Met/Pro Cannot be interpreted
H-MET 18.6 - *** - *** Met/Ala, Met/Phe, Met/Cit, Met/Val, Met/Gly, Met/Tyr, Met/Pro, Met/Xle Cannot be interpreted
Orn (low) SSADH False-positive 55.1 10 >5 No informative AA disease ratios
Phe PKU, H-PHE, BIOPT (BS/Reg) False-negative 20.8 7 3.0 Phe/Tyr, Cit/Phe (low) none
(low): Val/Phe, Xle/Phe, (Ile + Leu + Val)/(Phe + Tyr) (PKU) False-negative
(low): Met/Phe, Arg/Phe -
Orn/Phe (low) False-positive
Pro H-PRO False-negative 15.8 4 4.0 Pro/Cit False-positive
Orn/Pro (low) False-positive
Tyr TTI, TTII, TTIII False-negative 15.8 6 2.6 Tyr/Pro (TT2) False-negative
Phe/Tyr, Xle/Tyr (low) none
Met/Tyr (low) -
(Ile + Leu + Val)/(Phe + Tyr) (low) False-negative
Val MSUD False-negative 19.11 5 3.8 See Xle
Val (low) BCKDK False-positive 19.11 5 3.8 See Xle (low)

* ‘Low’ is added if low values of the AA are indicative of the disease. If no indication is added, this indicates elevated values. ** Xle represents the combination of the isomers Leu, Ile and allo-Ile that are not separated using flow-injection MS/MS methods. *** Arg, His and Met concentrations were below LOQ in all samples in our study, rendering evaluation of ratios including these AA not feasible. Table 3 shows the consequences associated with the interpretation of retrospectively analyzed AA and AA ratios in DBS upon long-term storage at RT for the detection of IMDs, based on the CLIR-database. Abbreviations (in alphabetical order): ASA, arginino-succinic acidemia (#207900); ARG, argininemia (OMIM, #207800); BCKDK, Brached-Chain Keto Acid Dehydrogenase Kinas Deficiency (#614923); BIOPT (BS), disorders of biopterin biosynthesis (#261640); CB1, cobalamin (homocystinuria-megaloblastic anemia, complementation type (#236270) CIT-I, citrullinemia type I (#215700); CIT-II, citrullinemia type II (#605814, #603471); CPS, carbamyl-phosphate synthase deficiency (#237300); HCY, hyper-homo-cysteinemia (#603174); H-PHE, hyperphenylalaninemia (#261600); H-PRO, hyper-prolinemia (#239500); MSUD, maple syrup urine disease (#248600); H-MET, hyper-methioninemias (#250850); NAGS, N-acetyl-glutamate Synthase Deficiency (#237310); NKHG, nonketotic hyperglycinemia (#605899); OTC, ornithine trans-carbamylase deficiency (#300461); PKU, phenylketonuria (#261600); PC, pyruvate carboxylase deficiency (#266150); RMD, Remethylation defects (homocystinuria-megaloblastic anemia, CblG #250940 and CblE #236270 complementation types and (N)5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) deficiency #236250); SSADH, Succinic Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency (#271980); TTI, tyrosinemia type I (#276700); TTIII, tyrosinemia type III (#276710); TTII, tyrosinemia type II (#276600); 3PGDH deficiency, Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase deficiency (#601815). The AAs: Ala, Asn, Asp, His, Lys, Ser, Tau, Thr and Trp were not indicative disease markers and were therefore excluded from the table. The disorders: NKHG, TT1, NH, OAT, OTC/CPS and NAGS had no informative AA disease ratios. Assessment of Arg, Orn, and Gln was possibly less reliable due to high CVs (indicated in light grey).