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. 2023 Jul 24;80(9):949–958. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.2309

Table 1. Baseline Health and Sociodemographic Characteristics Among Individuals With a Depression Diagnosis and Members of the Comparison Cohorta.

Characteristic Depression diagnosis Comparison cohort P valueb
Total, No. (%) 246 499 (100) 1 190 302 (100)
Sex, No. (%)
Female 159 421 (64.7) 768 876 (64.6) .46
Male 87 078 (35.3) 421 426 (35.4)
Age, No. (%), y
18-44 109 396 (44.4) 539 861 (45.4) <.001
45-59 575 578 (23.4) 284 927 (23.9)
60+ 79 524 (32.3) 365 514 (30.7)
Year of diagnosis, No. (%)
1980-1989 12 213 (5.0) 60 096 (5.0) .24
1990-1999 42 372 (17.2) 204 132 (17.1)
2000-2009 97 751 (39.7) 471 066 (39.6)
2010-2018 94 163 (38.2) 455 008 (38.2)
Highest education, No. (%)c
Basic education 98 952 (40.1) 383 966 (32.3) <.001
Youth education 80 206 (32.5) 426 828 (35.9)
Higher education 39 113 (15.9) 244 562 (20.5)
Missing 28 228 (11.5) 134 946 (11.3)
Employment status, No. (%)
Employed 99 401 (40.3) 687 300 (57.7) <.001
Unemployed 38 815 (15.7) 110 497 (9.3)
Early retirement 41 570 (16.9) 104 813 (8.8)
State pension 65 290 (26.5) 268 592 (22.6)
Missing 1423 (0.6) 19 100 (1.6)
Income quartile, No. (%)d
Below Q1 55 435 (22.5) 239 594 (20.1) <.001
Q1-Q2 77 315 (31.4) 272 776 (22.9)
Q2-Q3 69 952 (28.4) 313 921 (26.4)
Q3 and above 43 120 (17.5) 354 518 (29.8)
Missing 677 (0.3) 9493 (0.8)
Marital status, No. (%)
Married or registered partner 98 335 (39.9) 565 060 (47.5) <.001
Divorced 33 480 (13.6) 103 786 (8.7)
Widowed 28 376 (11.5) 119 061 (10.0)
Never married 82 402 (33.4) 374 725 (31.5)
Missing 3906 (1.6) 27 670 (2.3)
Modified CCI, No. (%)e
Low 202 221 (82.0) 1 060 947 (89.1) <.001
Moderate 21 224 (8.6) 56 978 (4.8)
Severe 15 418 (6.3) 55 313 (4.6)
Very severe 7636 (3.1) 17 064 (1.4)
Baseline health characteristics, No. (%)
Cardiovascular disease 48 689 (19.8) 140 090 (11.8) <.001
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 11 359 (4.6) 24 320 (2.0)
Diabetes 11 403 (4.6) 29 165 (2.5)
Stroke 13 855 (5.6) 29 575 (2.5)
Head injuries 18 469 (7.5) 50 976 (4.3)
Anxiety disorders 15 803 (6.4) 13 655 (1.1)
Stress disorders 22 592 (9.2) 15 896 (1.3)
Bipolar disorder 10 408 (4.2) 3619 (0.3)
Substance use disorders 28 877 (11.7) 30 523 (2.6)
Personality disorders 13 578 (5.5) 9182 (0.8)
Suicide attempt 5932 (2.4) 5009 (0.4)

Abbreviations: CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; Q, quartile.


To ensure correct temporal ordering, baseline sociodemographic and health characteristics were measured 2 years before the onset of depression, with baseline characteristics measured beginning January 1, 1978, and depression diagnoses recorded beginning January 1, 1980.


Calculated using χ2 test for categorical variables.


Basic education includes 1 preschool year and 9 school years (grades 1-9); youth education includes high school (grades 10-12); higher education includes university education.


Reflects individual income in the year before the index date.


The CCI is summary measure of hospital-diagnosed comorbidity burden characterized as follows: 0, low; 1, moderate; 2, severe; greater than 2, very severe. The CCI used in all analyses in the present study was modified to exclude diagnoses of dementia, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and diabetes.