Figure 8.
(A) Activity of GAPDH from cells treated with propachlor or vehicle. Activity was determined from the NADH production rate in lysates, as measured by colorimetry at 450 nm over the linear range, and normalized to total protein (g/mL) as determined by Bradford assay. p < 0.05 by Student’s two-tailed t-test (n = 3). Kinetic traces are in Figure S16A. (B) Inactivation of PARK7 determined by total anticarboxymethyllysine (CML) densitometry of SDS-PAGE separated lysates. HEK293T cells were treated for 30 min with vehicle or propachlor (1 mM in serum-free media), followed by 2 h of treatment with vehicle or glyoxal (4 mM) and immediate lysis (n = 3). 2-way ANOVA yields F = 1909 > Fcrit = 4.07, and Tukey’s HSD finds propachlor + glyoxal condition mean differences compared to all other conditions exceed the qcrit for 0.001. (C) Relative Hsp40 affinities of GAPDH and PARK7 following the three cellular treatments. Error represents standard deviation. One data point for GAPDH after alachlor treatment was removed as an outlier using Grubb’s test (G = 2.55 > G0.95 = 2.11, n = 9).