Overview of
the IFC workflow to characterize gene expressing liposomes.
(A) Schematic illustration of the primary components of ImageStream.
Giant vesicles are hydrodynamically focused into a core stream and
orthogonally illuminated. The emitted or scattered light is captured
by the imaging objective, separated into multispectral bands via optical
decomposition components, and projected on a charge-coupled detector.
While recording, digital pictures are displayed on the computer and
stored for analysis. Image adapted with permission from ref (16). Copyright (2004) John
Wiley and Sons. (B) Illustration of a liposome-based synthetic cell
containing relevant biological processes that have separately been
expressed from genes with PURE system: transcription–translation
(1), DNA replication (2), phospholipid biosynthesis (3), and the formation
of cytoskeletal structures (4). (C) Overview of the workflow for sample
treatment, data acquisition, and image processing.