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. 2023 Jul 25;18(7):e0289003. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0289003

Table 5. Survivorship of H. zea from Bahia (Hz-field) on leaves of Bt and non-Bt cotton technologies throughout the larval cycle in laboratory trials.

Feeding time (d) DAS-21023-5 × DAS-24236-5 × SYN-IR102-7a DAS-21023-5 × DAS-24236-5a Non-Bt cottona
n % survival (95% CI) n % survival (95% CI) n % survival (95% CI)
Helicoverpa zea (Hz-field from Bahia)
0 100 100.0 (96.4–100.0) a 100 100.0 (96.4–100.0) a 100 100.0 (96.4–100.0) a
5 100 100.0 (96.4–100.0) a 100 100.0 (96.4–100.0) a 100 100.0 (96.4–100.0) a
10 89 89.0 (81.6–94.0) a 100 100.0 (96.4–100.0) a 100 100.0 (96.4–100.0) a
15 79 79.0 (70.2–86.1) a 100 100.0 (96.4–100.0) a 100 100.0 (96.4–100.0) a
20 73 73.0 (63.7–81.0) b 98 98.0 (93.1–99.6) a 100 100.0 (96.4–100.0) a
25 62 62.0 (52.2–71.1) b 84 84.0 (75.8–90.1) b 96 96.0 (90.4–98.6) ab
30 37 37.0 (28.0–46.8) c 68 68.0 (58.4–76.5) b 84 84.0 (75.8–90.1) b

aMeans (95% CI) followed by the same letter in each column for each species and cotton variety are not significantly different due to nonoverlap of 95% CIs.