(a) Scheme of organ compartment and cell trafficking. Remainder, all the rest of the non-lymphoid organs; kB cell, the turnover rate of B cell; ktraff, in and ktraff out, B cell trafficking rate. For parameters and trial information, see Materials and methods, and Supplementary file 1b and c; (b–e) Observed and simulated patient B cell profiles in blood; (f) Simulated CD19 evolution in non-responder patients of trial MT103-211; (g) Simulated cell lysis potency for each organ in trial MT103-104; (h) Simulated baseline (day 0), and post-treatment (day 7 and 14) B cell organ distribution in patients with OS >30 months of trial MT103-206. Bar plot, simulated baseline and post-treatment tumor burden; (i–l) Sensitivity analyses for the impact of drug concentration (i), T cell density (j), B cell density (k), and CD19 expression (l) on B cell depletion. T cell density change is allowed in the simulations (b–e), details see Supplementary file 1b. BM, bone marrow; LN, lymph nodes; OS, overall survival; Rmd, remainder.