Table 3.
Number of studies that indirectly report race/ethnicity data (n = 1745) and cite larger databases.
Study/Database | Abbreviation | # of Studies |
Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative | ADNI | 1219 |
Mayo Clinic Study of Aging | MCSA | 103 |
Harvard Aging Brain Study | HABS | 63 |
Open Access Series of Imaging Studies | OASIS | 57 |
Framingham Heart Study | FHS | 51 |
Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network | DIAN | 46 |
Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimers Prevention | WRAP | 43 |
Religious Orders Study/Memory and Aging Project | ROSMAP | 24 |
Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging | BLSA | 22 |
National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center—Uniform Data Set | NACC UDS | 14 |
University of Kansas Brain Aging Project | UKBAP | 10 |
Dallas Lifespan Brain Study | DLBS | 9 |
Human Connectome Project—Aging | HCP-A | 9 |
Cardiovascular Health Study | CHS | 7 |
A4 Study | A4 | 6 |
Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities—Neurocognitive Study | ARIC-NCS | 5 |
Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study | KEEPS | 5 |
Arizona APOE Cohort | AAC | 5 |
Oregon Brain Aging Study | OBAS | 4 |
Cache County Study on Memory in Aging | CCSMA | 4 |
Central Control of Mobility in Aging | CCMA | 4 |
Washington Heights Inwood Columbia Aging Project | WHICAP | 3 |
The 90+ Study | – | 3 |
Ginkgo Evaluation of Memory Study | GEM | 2 |
Reference Ability Neural Network Study | RANN | 2 |
EXPEDITION-3 | – | 1 |
The Aging Brain Study | ABS | 1 |
Investigation Into Delay to Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease with Exelon | InDDEx | 1 |
Dartmouth Memory and Aging Study | DMAS | 1 |
Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes—Memory in Diabetes | ACCORD MIND | 1 |
Einstein Aging Study | EAS | 1 |
Chicago Health and Aging Project | CHAP | 1 |
Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging | VETSA | 1 |
Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults | CARDIA | 1 |
UC Davis Aging Diversity Cohort | UCD ADC | 1 |
Knight Alzheimer Disease Research Center | Knight ADRC | 1 |
Imaging Dementia—Evidence for Amyloid Scanning | IDEAS | 1 |
UCSF Hillblom Aging Network | UCSF HAN | 1 |
Monongahela-Youghiogheny Healthy Aging Team | MYHAT | 1 |
Intelligent Systems for Assessment of Aging Changes | ISAAC | 1 |
Sacramento Area Latino Study on Aging | SALSA | 1 |
Genomics Superstruct Project | GSP | 1 |