Figure 4.
Sequence-dependent cleavage of TRMT1 by SARS-CoV-2 Nsp5. (A) Immunoblot of lysates from human cells expressing empty vector, wildtype (WT) Nsp5-Strep, or Nsp5-C145A-Strep without or with co-expression with TRMT1-FLAG. The immunoblot was probed with anti-Strep, FLAG and actin antibodies. Square represents TRMT1-FLAG, * denotes a non-specific band, arrow represents N-terminal TRMT1 cleavage product and arrowhead indicates the C-terminal TRMT1 cleavage product. (B) Schematic of human TRMT1 with predicted Nsp5 cleavage site and Q530N mutation. (C) Immunoblot of lysates from human cells expressing empty vector, wildtype (WT) Nsp5-Strep, or Nsp5-C145A-Strep without or with co-expression with TRMT1-FLAG or TRMT1-FLAG Q530N. Experiments in (A) and (C) were repeated three times with comparable results (see Source data).