Microbiome profiles of control and experimental flies. A – C. Scaled relative abundance plots for the 10 most abundant bacterial genera following antibacterial (AB), antifungal (AF) or antibacterial and antifungal (AB+AF) treatment and the respective controls (Con or COil). Each column represents the average abundances of 6–8 individuals based on high throughput 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. The p values were determined using univariate multiple testing with an F test; *: abundance is significantly different between control and treatment conditions.
D – F. Scaled relative abundance plots for the 10 most abundant fungal genera following AB, AF, or AB+AF treatment or the respective controls (Con or COil). Each column represents the average abundances of 6–8 individuals based on high throughput ITS gene amplicon sequencing. The p values were determined using univariate multiple testing with an F test; *: abundance is significantly different between control and treatment conditions.
G – I. Non-multidimensional scaling plots (NMDS; based on Jaccard distances) of OTUs (grouped at 97% similarity level) reveal distinct bacterial communities following AB, AF, or AB+AF treatment (ANOSIM). Ellipses represent significance at 0.05 confidence.
J – L. Non-multidimensional scaling plots (NMDS; based on Jaccard distances) of OTUs (grouped at 97% similarity level) show little change in the fungal composition following AB, AF, or AB+AF treatment (all treatments p>0.05, ANOSIM). Ellipses represent significance at 0.05 confidence.